Chapter 12: Drinks are on Me

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A few days later, Alex opened his Discord to see the new notification from Niall. "So what's been happening?"

"Not much- this whole 'oh I'm past all this silly love stuff' thing is infuriating. Nobody is doing anything! They've just been lying around all week!"

"Then make something happen."

"I don't really think it's that easy..."

"Here, I've got an idea..."

George looked up at the knock on his door, "Yeah?" The door cracked open, and Alex peeked in, "Hey Alex, what's up?"

"So I was thinking, and I wanted to know if you wanted to go out for a bite and some drinks later? My treat."

George raised an eyebrow and glanced at his phone. "I guess I've got nothing better to do... sure."

"Perfect, thanks!"

George blinked, confused, but not one to turn down free stuff. It was a little weird that Alex had a crazed glint in his eye. Surely if his roommate wanted to kill him he'd have done it by now, right?

"Now what?" Alex called Niall up once he was back in the safety of his room.

"Well, now you invite someone else."


"Think, Alex. With your brain. Who did you bet on?"

"Oh- OH, I get it now, thanks!"

"No problem," Niall laughed, hanging up. Knowing Alex and George, there was no way he wasn't going to win. Maybe it was a bit cocky to try to help push Alex in the right direction, but he had a feeling in his gut that everything would work out for him in the end.

Josh had (finally) gone home the day before. Inconvenient, but not a deal-breaker. Alex could still work with what he had.

After poking around a bit while George was in the shower, Alex finally found Josh's phone number. Quickly copying it into his phone, he managed to get out of the room just as George got done.

"Is this Josh?" Alex called the number once he was back in his own room.

"Who's asking...?"

"It's Alex, George's roommate."

"Oh! How's he doing?"

"Pretty good, listen he was–" Alex stopped himself, didn't want to come on too strong. "Er, we were wondering if you wanted to come out for drinks. Tonight?'

There was a pause. Josh thought it over, and then "Sure, just let me know when and where"

Alex grinned, he had it in the bag, "Alright..." He went over the details, almost too excitedly, seeing as he was definitely going to be at a loss, even after winning. Maybe he should up the ante with Niall? 50 quid? He finished up the call with Josh and leaned back in his chair. 2 more hours to go until his little setup would be ready.

"You ready?"

"Yeah, lemme just grab my phone."

"Alright," Alex leaned against the doorframe. Will came up behind him.

"What's going on?"

"Oh, George and I are going out for drinks," Alex said, "We haven't gotten to hang out all that much recently."

"Yeah, cool. Can I–"

"No–" Alex said, a little too quickly. Will's smile fell, "I– er–sorry mate, but... well... you know how it is... I thought you two were gonna, y'know, take some time... away from each other?"

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