Chapter 13: The Unluckiest Number (FINALE)

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Alex watched Niall walk into the bar and hung around for just a moment more, not entirely wanting to enter the mess he was definitely about to enter. After a second of hesitation, he entered the bustling building, bracing himself mentally and praying for his wallet.

"Alex!" His name rose above the cacophony of the room, and he looked around for the source, eventually finding Stephen sitting with Josh and Niall at the bar.

"Hey guys..." Alex winced at the clearly expensive drinks the three of them had gotten, "Where's Will and George?"

"No clue, I didn't even see them come in."

"Where's George?" Will seemed to pop up behind him like a ghost, making Alex jump.

"What the– Where'd you come from?" Alex squeaked, spinning around. Niall and Stephen laughed, "Shut up– Will? How did you– I didn't see you when I came in– what– how?"

"Oh you know, I came in, I thought he was right behind me, but when I turned around to try and talk with him he wasn't there. I've been looking for him for a solid 10 minutes."

"Huh... that's weird..." Josh muttered, moving to get up. Stephen and Niall quickly grabbed him, holding him in place. "What the- guys?" Josh glanced between his friends.

"Maybe we should let Will and Alex go try and find him- after all, you haven't even finished your drink." Stephen gestured at the glasses in front of them, "And I was planning on ordering another round."

"But– I–" Josh watched Alex and Will walk away, "Okay, sure. I mean, they are free."

"Exactly!" Niall laughed, "All the more reason to stay!"

George was freaking out, he'd somehow managed to get lost in the span of less than a minute. He got embarrassed just thinking about how his friends would react when he told them that he got distracted by the new neon bathroom signs that definitely weren't there last time he was here and he just had to go check them out and suddenly the lights went down and he could barely see a foot in front of him. He looked up when he heard someone- Stephen? Call out Alex's name, but the spots in his vision for staring at the signs longer than he probably should have kept him from being able to find his way over to them.

"There he is," Alex laughed, seeing George stumbling around like a drunken idiot, "Jesus, George, how many drinks did you have?"

George looked up when he heard Alex's voice coming towards him, "Oh my god thank

you so much– this has been an absolutely horrible experience!" He ran towards Alex's voice and hung on to him for dear life, "I got lost because the neon signs were new and now I can't see and– where's Will?"

"Right here" Will laughed, and George looked up at somebody who was definitely not Alex.

"Oh–" George laughed, starting to move away from Will, "I was thinking you were too tall to be Alex."

His plan to get away from Will failed when the man in question wrapped him up in a hug, "Everybody's tall to you, George." he laughed, and George hesitantly joined in. "We were worried about you," Will started, "Right Alex?"

The two stopped hugging and looked around, only to find that Alex had disappeared off to the bar, probably to keep the others from drinking his bank account into the negatives.

"Well, I was worried about you... I think he's more concerned with his money right now." The two laughed and started to walk back over to the bar.

"I know I've already mentioned this, but I'm sorry about all that... drama and everything, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it, I was being a bit of a snake, won't lie." George chuckled at this, "But... you know, I wouldn't..." Will hesitated, stopping. George stopped next to him, looking up at him curiously.


"I wouldn't mind... uh... trying it out..."

George laughed but stopped when he saw Will's face fall. "Oh– Will, I wasn't laughing at that– no, I just thought it was funny..."


"That I was thinking the exact same thing," George grinned, "Glad you brought it up instead of me, I've caused enough trouble as is."

"Oh George, you don't know the half of it..." Will glanced over at the bar. Josh was still looking around, no doubt trying to pinpoint George in the sea of people. "Please, you wouldn't have 'brought it up," Will continued, trying to block the blond from his mind. "You would've just simmered until I did something 'wrong' again and then everything would've just repeated itself."

Will reached down to kiss him, and all the air left George's lungs. It was just a kiss on the cheek too, he could definitely still breathe, but his throat tightened and his face practically burst into flames. Will couldn't help but laugh as he pulled away, "Look at that, you've gone all red."

"Yeah, thanks for that, Will." George shook his head and wiped at his forehead, hoping Will hadn't noticed how high-pitched his voice had gotten. Will shook his head and continued to chuckle as the two of them made it back to the bar.

"Stephen, I really don't think–"


"I'm trying to tell you that I–"

"No seriously, Josh. Shut up. Niall, look over there."

The group of three, plus Alex, looked in the direction Stephen was pointing, just in time to see Will kiss George.

Alex cursed under his breath as Stephen and Niall started laughing. "I'm already paying for your drinks!" He turned on the two, "Don't– I didn't actually think we were actually betting on that!"

"We literally changed the deal not an hour ago, Alex." Niall laughed, "So I guess somebody's going to be paying for my groceries for the next month."

"Wait– deal? What are you all on about?" The trio exchanged glances as Josh rolled his eyes. "You've been... manipulating them this whole time?!"

"Whaaat?" Stephen gaped, "No! Of course not!"

"Only for about a week," Niall added, "Certainly not the whole time."

"You– You–" Josh sighed. He glanced back over at the couple and resigned himself to his fate. "Fine. Whatever. As long as it didn't involve me."

The trio exchanged glances, and Alex was about to say something when Stephen interrupted with a grin. "So can I have my money too, then?"

"You didn't even take the bet!"

"Alright, fine. I'll just order a few more drinks and we'll call it even."

"I think I will too, but... you're still paying for my food." Niall grinned. They called over the bartender and Alex groaned, letting his head fall into his hands.

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