Chapter 6: You Could Say We're Getting Serious ;)

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It took a couple of days for anything interesting to happen. Stephen had gone out to the store to look for a new refrigerator, and Will had tagged along to "help carry it." George had groaned at the obvious excuse, but he was really trying to stop being so clingy, and sacrifices had to be made. He'd go about his own business, and Will would choose who he liked more. Simple as.

It was honestly a really really terrible idea. Lord knows George would never accept Will "leaving him" for Stephen. Then again, why was he even treating this as a relationship in the first place? They were just friends, and Josh did imply that he most certainly definitely probably maybe not gay, so there was no reason that George should have been treating it with the seriousness he had been treating it with. Speaking of Josh– He'd never talked to Alex, had he? Might want to get on that...

But for plot convenience's sake, George chose to continue to platonically pursue Will. What the end goal he had was, nobody may ever know, because Will's stupid, adorable laughter filled the flat, followed by Stephen's own laughter that grated at George's ears. (If his ears were his heart and he didn't have the pricklings of angry, jealous not-tears (the room was just really dry!) in his eyes when he heard them come in.) It was as if he had vanished into thin air and retreated back to his hole, leaving Stephen alone with Will.

Will and Stephen were both sweating vigorously by the time they had gotten the new fridge set up and working, hours after they had gotten home. Will had collapsed on the floor, leaning tiredly against the wall and watching almost drunkenly as Stephen took off his shirt. The glistening sweat dripping off his temple, that little smile that the ginger always seemed to have around him clouded his mind, he wasn't thinking straight. These were the excuses Will had told himself, and later, George, when he suddenly pulled Stephen down on top of him by the shoulders and kissed him near animalistically.

George had thought that the two would be long done and long gone by the time he got hungry, so he crept downstairs and got to the kitchen just in time to see Will pull Stephen down on top of him. His breath caught in his throat and he ran back upstairs. Will barely caught a glimpse of him before the tiny man scurried back up the stairs.

"Josh?" George's voice was uncharacteristically weak, quiet. Something had happened, Josh thought, and it couldn't have been good.

"Hey-" Josh heard a quiet sob, more like a dry heave, like when you're crying but can't get enough air in and just start gasping for air in a really raspy tone. "Hey, Hey" He tried to tone his voice down, calm, as if he were talking to a small, crying child (he may as well have been). "George, calm down. Breathe. What happened?"

It was a couple of moments before George replied, and then, his voice was shaky, unstable, like he could break any moment. "I– I– I– I–" He stammered, unable to get anything near a sentence out.

"I'm coming over," Josh said, putting his phone on speaker, in case George started to say something, as he changed clothes. George stayed quiet, he hadn't hung up, but Josh couldn't hear any crying. "Don't do anything irrational, please," Josh said and hung up on the call. George was simply sitting at his desk, silent, dead-eyed, as the phone beeped in the background.

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