Chapter 9: The Beginning of the End

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Alex glanced from George to Will, to Josh, and finally Stephen. They all stood right outside Alex's room. "What...?"

"We heard you scream–" George and Will said at the same time. The two stopped at the same time as well, George glaring at Will.

Alex glanced at Stephen, looking for answers. Stephen simply shook his head. Josh shrugged.

With a roll of his eyes, Alex decided he'd get to the bottom of this later. "I'm going to cry into a bowl of ice cream for an hour or so. When someone is ready to tell me what exactly is going on between George and Will, I'll be in the kitchen."

"There's nothing–" Will was cut off by Stephen pulling him away from the ticking time bomb that was George.

"C'mon, Will. I know what I said earlier, but now really doesn't seem to be the right time."

"Ste listen," Will started, desperate to get at least one full sentence out this chapter. Sadly, his wish would not be granted.

"No. George still probably needs time to cool down, leave him be for now."

Will simply harrumphed, following Stephen indignantly.

Meanwhile, it was as if Alex had reopened the can of worms Josh had so desperately tried to close earlier. George was pacing the hallway, and Josh could almost see the steam coming from his ears.

"George, let's go play Fortnite-–" Josh tried. George was having absolutely none of it. "Or Roblox! You love Roblox, right?" Josh tentatively reached out toward his friend.

George didn't respond, it was like he was completely ignoring Josh.

"C'mon, man. We talked about this. He doesn't deserve you."

"It's not–" George nearly shouted. He quieted down, though, almost immediately. "It's not Will. It's Stephen. I think I've finally figured it out now."

"What... what did you figure out, exactly?" Josh asked, worriedly. George had that sort of glint in his eyes, that sort of glint that meant this would definitely not end well.

George went back to ignoring his friend, pacing, simmering, and simmering was never good. For anyone.

Meanwhile, Will and Stephen had gone to explain the situation to Alex, who was still mourning. "Can I-" Will started, but he was once again denied his rights to a full sentence.

"No, Will." Stephen glanced at Will and his face softened. "Sorry man, I'm trying to process this just as much as anybody else here is, I'm not meaning to be rude."

"It's cool." Will had finally gotten a full, albeit short, sentence out, and was somewhat placated for the time being. He allowed himself to sit in silence as Stephen recounted the story thus far for Alex.

"So... Love-struck George is jealous of you and Will doesn't like him back."

"That's the gist of it, yeah."

"Well, I personally don't see what all the fuss is about. Clearly, George has at least one hopeless pining soul after him. Not all is lost."

"Wait, what?" Will and Stephen asked in unison.

"Ahaha, funny." Alex laughed, taking another scoop of his ice cream. He looked back up and saw the two of them still staring at him, confused. "Do you two really not see it?"

"See what?" Will finally got a speaking role in the story, much to everyone's surprise.

"Josh? The blonde one? Oh my god, this is golden."

"Josh?!" Will asked, incredulously. He couldn't believe it. Josh!? Of all people!? He plays Fortnite. Fortnite! There was no way someone like George would ever fall for Josh– right?

Steven watched Will calculate everything, and could practically see the squeaky gears in his square head turning. He glanced back at Alex, who had resumed his focus on the bucket of ice cream in front of him. "This is all getting quite confusing, wouldn't you agree?"

"Well, I haven't really been in the middle of all of this until now. To me, it makes perfect sense. George will get over Will and end up with Josh. That's how I predict this story's gonna end, anyway."

"Yeah..." Stephen trailed off, "Maybe..."

"What, you have a different idea?" Alex's face lit up, "Wanna bet on it? Ten pounds says I'm right."

"Not interested. Although I feel like I'd win that bet, easily," Stephen glanced at Will, who seemed as confused as ever, "Something in my gut just tells me you're wrong."

"Whatever. Your loss." Alex muttered, returning to his ice cream once more.

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