Chapter 4: We Need to Talk About Will

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Will had a much more eventful week than George so far. After he and George played a few rounds of FIFA (Will won), and then wasted far too much time trying to figure out who could build a cooler castle in Minecraft (George won), he had finally gotten some time alone. George had gone off to wherever it is that he goes and Will could finally just lean back in his bed and relax.

But this is the 4th chapter of this story, and by now you should know that he didn't get much time at all to relax. Moments after George left, everybody's favourite double-crossing sna– Sorry. Alex came into Will's room. No fanfare.

"Heya," Alex said, pushing open the cracked door and praying that Will wouldn't be naked when he opened his eyes.

Lucky day, he was fully clothed. "What's up?" Will replied, sitting up and moving to the edge of the bed, Alex sat down next to him with a shrug.

"Not much, just haven't seen you alone in a long while."

"Yeah it feels great, I love George but he's gotten really clingy recently," Will said, chuckling.

"Sorry I'm disturbing your peace then," Alex laughed, "But Stephen needs you downstairs, something about a problem with the refrigerator or something like that."

Will practically jumped out of the bed, which startled Alex. "Sorry!" he yelled, already halfway out of the room, "I'd better go see what he needs!"

Alex blinked, frazzled by Will's reaction. He stood up from the bed and typed out a few texts as he left the room, dazed.

Will tried to be casual when he walked into the kitchen, then Stephen looked up and he melted. "Stephen, I-" his voice cracked.

He was a 22-year-old man.

Stephen was now in a fit of giggles at Will's beet-red face. The man in question cleared his throat to grab Stephen's attention.

"I– uh, Alex told me you needed my help?"

"Yeah," Stephen was wiping a tear from his eye, "Any clue who used this last? Or any reason why it would be acting up?"

"George was the last person I know of, he was grabbing a snack. It could just be old or something, I'd imagine those things break over time and I mean it's not really unreasonable you know there wouldn't be an industry for them if they lasted forever you–" Will caught himself rambling and his face flushed again. "I– er– uh, sorry."

Stephen chuckled. "I'll ask George about it later, we've just got to make sure none of the food spoils in the meantime."

"Right, okay. So what's the plan?"

The two spent an hour or two moving the food into beach coolers that Stephen had filled with ice. After they finished, Will lingered for as long as he could.

"Do you need any more help with anything?"

Stephen looked at the collection of iceboxes filling the kitchen. "I think we've got it all, thanks again, Will."

Will nodded, leaning against the wall awkwardly. "Alright, I'm... uh, just gonna go, y'know, to my room. Upstairs."

Stephen laughed, "Alright, see ya 'round."

Will nodded, "Yeah, bye."

He backed up towards the stairwell. Stephen lifted an eyebrow at him. "Need anything else?' Stephen chuckled. Will shook his head, realising he'd been loitering. Turning too quickly and almost tripping, Will finally scrambled his way back into his room.

God, I must have seemed like the world's biggest idiot down there, Will thought to himself, flopping down onto his bed with his hands in his hair. Stephen will never respect me after that. Seriously! "There wouldn't be an industry for them if they didn't break?" Will finished his thought aloud, "Could I sound any dumber?"

Meanwhile, Stephen was heading off in the direction of George's room.

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