VI / It's A Secret

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WARNINGS: Strong language; drug mentions

-Day 5; Sunday, June 4th, 2017-

Park Chanyeol stood outside his dorm building behind a cluster of cars, all with their trunks popped open and boxes inside.

"That's the last one." Do Kyungsoo said, wiping his hands on his already-grass stained jeans.

"You sure?" Chanyeol asked. Kyungsoo wasn't normally forgetful (if anything, Chanyeol was more forgetful), but one time he had forgotten his entire project for class and Chanyeol had to drive all the way across campus to drop it off to him. Chanyeol had never let Kyungsoo live that down.

"Gosh, Chanyeol." Kyungsoo sighed. "Yes, I'm sure. Besides, even if I forgot anything, you'd come and drop it off."

Chanyeol wanted to protest, but knew Kyungsoo was right. Whether it was because of how kind-hearted Chanyeol was, knowing he couldn't let his friend suffer without whatever it was he had forgotten, or just because Chanyeol would be in area anyways, he would.

Kyungsoo smiled smugly. "I'll be going Chanyeol. Take care."

"Drive safe!" Chanyeol called out. "Don't smoke weed! Remember they're not strangers if they say their name first!"

"Well, there goes my plans for the summer." a new voice piped in.

"Shit, better just stay here, than." someone else commented.

Chanyeol and Kyungsoo looked over to see Zhang Yixing and Byun Baekhyun coming towards them.

Chanyeol lit up seeing Baek- seeing how his eyes crinkled when he smiled, the way he shuffled his feet slightly when walking short distances, the way the hem of his tee shirt hung down more than normal because that grey shirt in particular was a hand-me-down from his brother and thus a little too big for Baek's smaller frame.

Chanyeol smiled at Baek, wanting to see him smile brighter, but Baek pressed his lips together and scrunched up his eyes, shooting Chanyeol a playful glare that told him to be quiet.

Chanyeol read his expression and ripped his gaze away from Baekhyun, instead turning his attention to Yixing, who was telling Kyungsoo that theoretically, fish could live on land (Kyungsoo was having none of it).

Don't get him wrong- Chanyeol did not want to keep his and Baekhyun's relationship a secret. Alas, he had to.

-Day 4; Saturday, June 3rd, 2017-

Byun Baekhyun kissed the crook of Park Chanyeol's neck, and a laugh escaped his lips, brushing against Park Chanyeol's skin.

Chanyeol laughed, too, and then moved his head, hooking his lips against Baekhyun's. Their lips moved together, until Baekhyun broke it apart.

"That's why we don't let Minseok watch any of our things anymore." he finished his story, and Chanyeol laughed again, wrapping his arms tighter around Baek's waist.

Chanyeol laid back-down on Baek's bed, Baekhyun on top of him. It was getting hotter and hotter the more they surged into summer, and both boys had stripped to nothing but their underwear.

Yeah, because it was hot. That was the exact reason why.



"Will you tell me a story?" Baek closed his eyes and rested his head on Chanyeol's chest.

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