XV / Ami La Nuit

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WARNINGS: Medium language

-Day 35; Friday, July 14th, 2017-

The five sat in Kim Minseok's hospital room awhile longer, all slowly filing out after Kris Wu decided to call it a night for Kim Junmyeon and he when the former began falling asleep on his shoulder.

Byun Baekhyun had arranged to leave with Park Chanyeol, and the two had managed to persuade Kim Jongdae to leave Kim Minseok's side for the night and get some sleep.

"It's like, two in the morning." Junmyeon had mumbled into Kris' shoulder, rubbing his cheek.

"Do you want us to drop you off somewhere?" Baekhyun had asked, turned around in the passenger seat of Chanyeol's car to face Jongdae. "Or do you want to come home with me?"

"Just drop me off at Min's." Jongdae said. "I'll be fine for the night."

"Are you sure?" Chanyeol asked, glancing back at Jongdae through the rear view mirror. Jongdae nodded.

"You call me if you need anything, okay?" Baekhyun told him. "I don't like leaving you alone, but I trust you. No taking the bus and going back after we leave, got it? Wait until at least nine tomorrow to go back."

"I won't, Baekkie, I promise. I'm tired, anyways, and I'm not sleeping in a chair. I'd sooner push Minseok out of the bed. Even though I wouldn't really want to sleep in a hospital bed. And I want to get some of Minseok's things, anyways."

"I swear, DaeDae, if I find out you went anyways-"

"I'm not! Gosh, Baekhyun." Jongdae whined as Chanyeol pulled out front Minseok's. "I'll talk to you later, you losers." he clambered out of the car, and they waited until they saw the door shut behind Jongdae and the living room light flick on before rolling out and back onto the road.

"We're going to your place." Baekhyun said once the house was out of his sights. "I brought my bag."

"Had a feeling that's what it was for." Chanyeol laughed and reached over, laying a hand on Baekhyun's thigh. "Baekkie, I have something to tell you."

"Hm?" Baekhyun asked. He was used to Chanyeol saying that phrase- he often used it to lead into a horrible joke or topic Baekhyun pretended to find really interesting.

"I'm leaving." he said plainly, and a million thoughts ran through Baekhyun's mind. Was that another Broadway joke he didn't get?

"You're breaking up with me?" Baekhyun spat, that being the first coherent thought that came to mind.

"What? No!" Chanyeol exclaimed, panicking and swerving slightly, as if he had just hit an unexpected pothole or trying to avoid hitting a squirrel.

"Don't do that." Baekhyun hissed, wrapping his hand tightly around Chanyeol's arm.

"Sorry, sorry." Chanyeol muttered. "But no, that's not what I meant. No, I'm not breaking up with you. That's like, the last thing I want right now." he gave Baekhyun's thigh a reassuring squeeze. "What I meant is that I decided to do the abroad program this year. Not decided, really- Mieun submitted my-"

"Mieun?" Baekhyun repeated, disgust lacing his tongue. He couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"She thought it'd be good for me."

"Mieun also thought I wasn't real." Baekhyun muttered under his breath.

"I heard that."


"Baekkie, are you mad?"

Was he mad? He felt a million things, still trying to process their situation. He thought a million things, worries and fears and joys and disappointments. He felt a million things, just as Park Chanyeol always made him do.

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