VII / Tuesday

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WARNINGS: Implied sexual references

-Day 7; Tuesday, June 6th, 2017-

It was Tuesday.

June 6th.

Second day of summer vacation.

Byun Baekhyun had done nothing in these two days. He had slept almost comatose-like for the first day, and then watched movies the second.

All the while he stayed by his phone, never turning it off completely.

He kept checking for messages, specifically from Park Chanyeol. He had received more from Kim Jongdae in the span of an hour than he had Park Chanyeol the entire two days.

Baekhyun knew he shouldn't have expected too much from Chanyeol.

On Sunday, Chanyeol had told Baekhyun that he was going to be busy. His roommate's family, Do Kyungsoo, had moved during the school year, and so now did Kyungsoo not only had to move the stuff he had brought to school with him, but stuff he had left behind and other things his family possessed. Chanyeol had offered to help Kyungsoo, and was driving to Goyang that day.

Goyang wasn't too far from Bucheon, where Baekhyun lived. It was perhaps 15 minutes at most, even with crossing the Han.

Baekhyun knew he shouldn't have expected too much from Chanyeol.

Perhaps that's why he was so surprised when at exactly 7:39am Chanyeol finally called him.

Baekhyun was overjoyed that Chanyeol had phoned, but wasn't quite as content that he was calling at almost eight in the morning. He knew Chanyeol didn't sleep, but that didn't mean he could wake Baek whenever he wanted.

"Hello?" he queried groggily after fumbling around for his phone. He squinted at the bright light from his phone.

"Baekkie?" Chanyeol said, way too cheerily for how early it was. "Baekkie!"

"Yeolie, it's like, midnight. What could you possibly want?"

"Can you drive out here to Goyang tomorrow? Please?"

"You had to phone me right this second to ask me that?"

Chanyeol hummed a yes. "So can you?"

"I guess? Why?"

"Kyungsoo's brother is at his own place and his parents are away on vacation."

"Yeol, babe, if you're that horny, to can just come up here. We don't have to put poor Kyungsoo through that. Or we could Skype or something."

"Baek, you're the horny one here." Chanyeol remarked, and Baekhyun could practically hear the eye roll. "I'm glad you're that desperate for me, but that's not exactly what I had in mind. Kyungsoo and I are going to have some people over. It's not a party, exactly."

"Dinner!" Baekhyun offered.

"No, more like a hang out." Chanyeol grimaced.

"Can I still sleepover?" Baekhyun asked. He knew Chanyeol couldn't see him through the phone, but he pouted anyways, hoping he still got his message through.

"Of course." Chanyeol said softly, and Baekhyun smiled, laying back down onto the pillow, burying his face into it. "You can cuddle with me once the others fall asleep." Baek's smile dropped as he remembered their deal- to keep their relationship a secret.

"Who's all coming?"

"You're the first person I asked." Baek liked this. He smiled smugly again, knowing that he was the first Chanyeol had called. Baek knew it was very important that he was the first he had called. It meant he was the first who had come to Chanyeol's mind, as he should. "But I know Kyungsoo's having Oh Sehun over before he leaves for Australia. And I think we're just gonna have most of the same people we had at like, grad. Unless some people wanna bring someone."

"Does that mean Jongdae's going to be there?" Baekhyun asked, half whining.

It's not that Baekhyun didn't like Kim Jongdae. It's just that he had whined for the past two days over Kim Minseok, and Baek didn't know how much more he could take.

"I guess. Why? Had enough of him?" he laughed.

Baekhyun groaned. "Oh my gosh, if I have to hear one more thing about Kim fucking Minseok I'm going to kill him."

"I'll help you." Chanyeol said, still laughing. "You stab, I'll dig."

"Do you think we can get Kyungsoo on board as an alibi?"

"Actually, on second thought, if I feed him enough and give him enough space, he'll do it for us. Maybe for free."

Baekhyun laughed. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then. I hope you have an extra shirt, I feel like I'm going to forget clothes to sleep in."

"I might have an extra shirt or two on me."

"And I might get lonely driving back the next day."

"We'll see, Baek." Chanyeol said, laughing. "I have to go now, okay? I'll call or text you later."

"You better. You can't see it right now, but I'm sticking my tongue out at you."

"Goodbye, Baek."

"Bye, Chan. Eat lots!"

"I will."

And then Chanyeol hung up.

But Chanyeol had called, and that's what mattered to Baekhyun.

He put his phone back and then pulled the covers back over him. He went back to sleep until almost noon.    


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