XX / Finale, Part 1

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WARNINGS: Strong language

-Day 71; Monday, August 7th, 2017-

Never had Park Chanyeol wanted to slingshot himself into the sun more than he did now.

First day of school in a new country meant new surroundings, new language, new people, new everything. He had been spending the past eleven days getting situated and comfortable, getting over jet lag and culture shock.

He had immediately settled into his new dorm room, and figured his roommate nice. Chanyeol couldn't remember his name as he didn't see him much, but remembered that his parents were Korean and he spoke a little Korean. Although his roommate's Korean was awful, and the little phrases he could say weren't of much use to Chanyeol, it still made him feel better.

Despite being settled, he had still managed to get himself lost before class. By the time he figured out where he was and where he was supposed to be, he was late.

And so there Park Chanyeol was, sliding into the first free seat he saw in class, fifteen minutes late and wanting to slingshot himself into the sun.

He did his best to focus, figure out where they were in class. The teacher was a broad, thick, balding man. His sienna coloured button up stretched thin across him, the white buttons straining to keep clasped. His voice was deep, and he was talking about the early 10th century and religion.

Chanyeol did his best to follow along, flipping through his textbook to the page number scrawled on the chalkboard. However, his race to catch up was quickly interrupted by the teacher clearing his throat.

"Young man?" he demanded, and Chanyeol immediately felt all eyes on him.

"Yes?" he replied meekly, slumping in his seat, wanting to make himself as small as possible.

"What's your name?" the question was simple, something Chanyeol recognized and had answered before. Yet he still felt like the teacher had just given him an impossible, daunting task.

"Park Chanyeol."

The teacher glanced down at a paper placed on a podium in front of him, picking up a pencil and making a mark on it. "May I ask why you're late?"

"I got lost." Chanyeol admitted, laughing slightly in an attempt to shrug it off. It seemed to work, as he got a few snickers from other students and the teacher took that as an acceptable answer.

"What do you play?"


"What do you play? Like what instrument? This is a final year university music class- you have to play something."

"Oh." Chanyeol said, laughing it off again. That was a tactic that always seemed to work for him. "I play piano-" he made a motion with his fingers as if playing chords for emphasis. "guitar, drum-"

"We'll put you on guitar." the teacher said, cutting him off. "Acoustic or electric?"

"Pardon?" The teacher spoke quickly and his words blended together, making it difficult for Chanyeol to understand him at times.

"Do you play acoustic or electric guitar? One you plug in or don't?" Despite having to repeat himself many times, the teacher remained calm and understanding.

"I play both." Chanyeol said carefully.

"What do you like better?"


The teacher laughed. "I'll put you on acoustic, then." he made another note on his paper, and then went back to talking about the Roman Catholic Church.

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