XIII / Lame Liar

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-Day 41; Monday, July 10th, 2017-

Despite being back home with his own family, Park Chanyeol still took the drive over to Bucheon a few times a week to see Byun Baekhyun.

What he did on his visits ranged- sometimes he simply sat in the hospital with Baekhyun, holding his hand while he waited for Byun Woohyun to wake. Other times he took Baekhyun back to Seoul with him, where he would stay with him and they would walk the streets of the city, Chanyeol buying Baekhyun treats he asked for. There were times when Chanyeol would see Baekhyun's parents again, and times where it was just the two of them.

Today, however, Chanyeol was alone in Seoul.

By the time he dragged himself out of bed, it was almost past noon, and his older sister of three years, Park Mieun, was seated at the kitchen table, snacking on something Chanyeol didn't bother to pay attention to while scrolling through her phone.

"Mail came for you." Mieun said through a mouthful as Chanyeol rummaged through the fridge. He may get up early to cook for Baekkie, but when it came to himself he considered a box of crackers a meal.

"Good morning to you too." Chanyeol muttered, closing the fridge door after coming to the conclusion that his family was out of food (and by out of food he means nothing he particularly felt like eating at that moment). "Who's it from?"

Mieun shrugged while Chanyeol seated himself at the table, dragging Mieun's bowl away from her and towards himself. She had managed to finish the majority of it, having nothing but a grape stalk and a few strays laying in the bottom of the bowl. "Didn't check."

Helping himself to the last few grapes, deeming that a healthy breakfast, Chanyeol reached for the letter.

It was addressed to him, sent from his university.

Oh joy.

Chanyeol slipped his finger under the envelope, ripping it open in tiny intervals all the way across until he could dump the contents out, which was just a folded piece of paper.

Park Chanyeol,

We are delighted to know you will be returning to finish your fourth year here with us! Registrations have now begun, and we are sending you this letter to confirm your classes and programs. If you wish to change major or minors, enroll or withdraw from programs, or anything else regarding your classes, please contact us with the information below. Your set classes for now are also below.

New! Finish your major abroad! Now offering courses on four continents, over twenty languages, and in over fifty majors!

The letter went on the list his current year, major, and dorm arrangements (once again, he was roomed with Do Kyungsoo).

He pushed the letter away from him, putting his face in his hands and whining. He then stood up, overturning the chair as he did so, which caused him to let out another groan.

"What?" Mieun asked, reaching over and grabbing the letter. "Find out you're getting put down or something? It's about time." She looked the letter over while Chanyeol raided the pantry, eventually pulling out a jar of Nutella. He grabbed a spoon, sighed as he uprighted his chair, and sank back into it, twisting the top off and shoving a spoonful into his mouth.

"Don't judge me." he grumbled once Mieun shot him a look. She shrugged and laid the letter on the table, taking the spoon out of Chanyeol's hands and helping herself.

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