XVI / Anhedonia, Part 1

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WARNINGS: Strong language; implied sexual references

-Day 46; Saturday, July 15th, 2017-

baekthosebyuns: if someone likes you as more than a friend they make excuses to talk to you and be with you and creep your insta
/baekthosebyuns sent a photo/
baekthosebyuns: that's your application letter btw
baekthosebyuns: now I have a question for you
baekthosebyuns: have you ever been in a long distance relationship?

Byun Baekhyun still didn't know how to feel about Park Chanyeol leaving. He had found himself distancing himself from Yeol- despite the numerous offers to drive out to see him and take him places and buy him things and do things with him, Baekhyun had refused to see Park Chanyeol.

He was content with camping out in his room, alone, watching Netflix and texting anyone but Yeol.

He got a reply from Zhang Yixing two episodes later.

zhxngyixingicorn🦄: thanks
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: and depends on what you mean by long distance and relationship
baekthosebyuns: like I'm a romantic/sexual relationship with someone and the two of you are far enough apart that you can't physically touch or see each other

baekthosebyuns: like you'd have to fly to see them you can't drive
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: if we're not counting the one time Luhan and I thought we fucked but didn't then no
baekthosebyuns: that's a story I wanna hear about later
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: okay
baekthosebyuns: but rn I wanna know if you think long distance relationships work??

zhxngyixingicorn🦄: it depends
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: i think if both people loved each other enough they could make it work and it's totally possible but I also think that a lot of people get scared by the distance and it is something that throws a wrench in a relationship and can be hard to overcome
baekthosebyuns: how do you know if a long distance relationship is worth it?
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: if you love him enough that you're willing to overlook the distance
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: honestly Baekhyun the best advice I have for you is to give it a shot because who knows? Maybe the distance isn't as bad as you think
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: at the same time Baekhyun you need to take a step back and look at your relationship
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: how does he make you feel? Did you feel better or worse after getting together with him? Do you think you'll feel better or worse if you break it off with him?
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: if you're already having doubts Baekhyun do you really love him?
baekthosebyuns: thanks yixing
baekthosebyuns: that sounds sarcastic I'm serious thank you
zhxngyixingicorn🦄: have a good day Baekhyun

That's not the answer Baekhyun was expecting. But Yixing did have a point.

Baekhyun often needed advice on lots of things, and he had two friends he went to for advice- Kim Jongdae and Zhang Yixing.

Kim Jongdae was easily one of his best friends. They thought a lot alike, but Jongdae was also quite wild and spontaneous, and instead of giving him plausible advice and rationalizing things, Jongdae often hyped him up to do things he shouldn't (sleeping with Park Chanyeol in the first place was a prime example).

Zhang Yixing, on the other hand, balanced it out- Yixing thought things through and rationalized. He made Baekhyun think and really look at things instead of throwing him head-first into situations.

Perhaps he needed his balance on this situation and needed to talk to Jongdae.

Perhaps what Baekhyun needed was for Jongdae to kick him in the back and yell at him to keep the dick he has instead of going out and prying for more.

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