My Birthday...

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(A/n): Yaaaay new book, please leave your requests in the comments or message me (messages have a higher chance of being seen). Happy birthday Lance, you're my favourite character :)

Lance's P.O.V.
My eyes snap open with excitement. Today's my 18th birthday, July 28th. Pidge managed to get the dates from earth and we made a calendar so we can keep up with earth dates. I know Hunk and Pidge know what day my birthday is so maybe I'll get to celebrate it with the team.

We celebrated everyone else's birthday since we got the dates so I can't imagine why mine should be any different. I wonder if I'll get any presents? I can just feel today is going to be a good day, it's my birthday after all!

I quickly get out of bed and take a shower, then I put on my regular clothes and my face mask waiting for it to soak in. When I'm finally done I clean my face and walk out of my bedroom, bouncing towards the kitchen where I know Hunk will be.

I was right, he is in the kitchen making breakfast.

"Hey Hunk." I say happily

"Morning Lance, you're up early today." He replies

"Haha well today is special." I reply

"Why? Are we going to a new planet today?" Hunk asks excitedly

In that moment I feel my heart sink and shatter. Does he not remember? But he has to remember! He's my best friend...

Maybe I shouldn't have expected him to, he's got more important things to worry about. We're in the middle of a war and I'm so selfish to think about myself. But maybe someone else remembered, it's not bad to just ask.

"Ahah no I don't think so, are you sure you don't remember?" I ask

"Nope, come on tell me." Hunk replies excitedly

"Maybe later then." I say giving a half hearted chuckle and walking out of the kitchen

As I walk down the hallways I come across Pidge who is hacking on her computer. I walk up to her and plaster a smile on my face.

"Hey Pidge, remember what today is?" I ask

"No?" She replies confused "Is it something important?"

"No not really, never mind." I reply and walk off

Pidge and Hunk would know about my birthday because I told them at the Garrison but I told everyone else my birthday when we first figured out the dates, surely someone remembers.

I walk to the training room and sure enough Keith and Shiro are there, my heart beats a little faster as I see them but I try to remain calm. I take a few steps inside and wait for them to finish. After a few minutes they finish their level and take a break.

Jeez they both look so hot right now, in their tight body suits and armour. I know if I let myself, I'd fall so deeply in love with them. One problem, they're dating each other.

"Lance?" Shiro asks snapping me from my thoughts

"Oh sorry, umm do you know what today is?" I ask nervously

"Saturday according to the castle calendar." Shiro says

"And?" I say, almost desperately

"And what?" Keith asks "This isn't like the Voltron chant again is it? Am I missing something? I still, don't understand why saying Voltron wasn't enough!"

"Keith calm down." Shiro says placing a hand on his shoulder "I'm sure that's not what Lance is talking about."

"No I wasn't." I say quietly, looking at the floor "If you don't remember then never mind."

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