Someone To Talk To

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Trigger Warning(s)
Mentions of self harm
Suicide Attempt

Lance's P.O.V.
Today's the day, I'm finally going to do it. I'm going to tell the team about my depression. I've been suffering in silence for so long, I didn't want to burden them or make it seem like I'm too weak to be a paladin, but I want to tell them, they might understand, they might be able to help. We're friends after all right? Right?

I ran out of anti-depressants a few days ago, and I realised it's now or never, I don't know what I'll do if I continue to let it all bottle up inside of me. I didn't want to tell them earlier because I know they have more important things to worry about, plus they seem to be getting more and more annoyed with me, but now I can't hide it any longer.

I take a deep breath and walk into the kitchen where Hunk is making some sort of weird alien food. I take a seat on one of the stools and watch what he is doing. My heart is beating so fast out of nervousness, I'm finally going to tell someone.

"Hey, Hunk can I tell you something really important?" I ask

I don't get a reply.

"Hunk?" I ask again

He seems to snap out of whatever trance he was in, while cooking and looks up to me.

"Oh hey, Lance." He says smiling but doesn't stop moving

"Hey Hunk, can I tell you something?" I ask

"Can it wait? I'm swamped right now." He responds "Sorry."

"I-It's fine, sure." I say and slide off the stool, quietly walking out

Well, I can't let that get me down, Hunk was just busy. I'll tell him later... Next is Pidge I guess. Hopefully, she isn't working as well. She's like a little sister to me, and I genuinely want to tell her why I've been acting so strange lately.

I walk through the empty halls to her room and knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I hear her call out

"Hey Pidge, it's Lance." I say, and the door opens

"What is it, Lance? I'm kind of busy." She asks sighing and looking up at me from her laptop

"Oh um I was hoping I could tell you something important." I reply

"I'm really close to cracking this Galra code, can it wait?" She asks turning back to her screen

"Yeah, I guess... by then." I say quietly and walk out of her room, the door closing behind me

This isn't good... Well, I just need to find someone who isn't busy, I don't want to interrupt anyone. I continue walking through the hallways feeling a pit grow in my stomach. I walk down the halls I see Coran fiddling with some of the wires, Coran will listen!

"Hey Coran, can I talk to you about something?" I ask

"Sorry, my boy but I need to finish with these wires." He replies "The mice are nowhere to be found, probably taking my things, so I have to do it manually. Can it wait?"

"Yeah it can wait, it's not that important." I say with a fake laugh, and I continue walking down the hallway

It makes sense, I can't expect everyone to just stop what they are doing for me, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to. The pit in my stomach grows, and I begin to feel disheartened. No, I can't give up, there are still three more people who I can talk to.

Sure they're Allura who I know I annoy, Shiro who is literally the perfect human being, someone who I will never match up to, and Keith, my 'rival'. They'll be harder to tell, but at this point I'm desperate.

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