Act Your Age

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Lance's P.O.V.

"Pidge watch your back!" I call out shooting a solider from behind her

"Thanks Lance." She replies hitting another robot with her bayard

Hunk takes out another solider but I already know we won't win this, Allura and Shiro wanted to test the team with how much we've improved but they put the setting on to high. Even my boyfriend Keith is struggling at this point.

Lately it's been like this a lot, Shiro and Allura are really hard on us. I mean I understand we need to work hard but we never get days off. Everything hurts from over the top training sessions and fighting but Shiro and Allura don't let us rest. They get angry at us quicker to, mainly me as I take the blame for things that go wrong but it's still not right.

We continue trying to fight but soon Hunk and Pidge are down. Keith and I are the last ones remaining but I get hit to the floor. The floor opens up and takes me down. Eventually Keith is out at well and we are all sitting in the floor trying to catch our breath.

"Paladins." Allura says walking through the doorway "I must say that was very disappointing, you should have passed this level with ease. You shall all have an extra hour of training before dinner from now on."

"But Princess, we won't have enough time for anything else." Hunk says rubbing his shoulder

"What other activities are more important than training to defeat Zarkon?" Allura asks

Shiro appears behind her and crosses his arms with a disappointed frown on his face.

"You have to work harder, we are at war." Shiro states

"Exactly." Allura states "Please act your age instead of acting like children."

Allura and Shiro walk away and we head to the locker rooms to change our clothes and shower.

"Do you think Allura and Shiro know our ages?" Pidge asks before we enter the seperate change rooms

"Yeah of course they-" I begin to say but cut myself off

"They say act your age but we are, we're just kids." Pidge says looking angry "We're kids at war."

"We'll talk more after ok?" Hunk says trying to calm her down "After we get cleaned up then we can discuss what to do."

We all nod and head into the showers. I quickly get undressed and turn on the hot water. I wash myself and then change into my regular clothing, feeling more comfortable now. I put my bodysuit and armour in the cleaning bin and head out of the locker rooms to wait for everyone.

"Lance are you finished already?" I hear someone ask and I snap my head up, it's Shiro

"Yeah I am, did you need something?" I ask

"Actually I want to talk to you." Shiro replies "I need you and the rest of the team to listen to Allura, she's under a lot of stress and pain from loosing her home and family. We have to make it easier on her so please act more grown up. The team, not just you needs to step up their game."

I feel pain inside, it hurts to get told we aren't good enough. But I guess I can't really say 'oh we are acting our age, we're just teenagers', Shiro and Allura would get upset. They are already always angry with me and I don't want to make it worse.

"Yeah sure, I'll talk with them." I say and Shiro nods

He's our fearless leader, he's right. We need to act older, we need to act like him. Shiro's been through a lot so I shouldn't complain about having to act older and more mature. But at what cost?

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