White Hair

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(A/n): The Castle was never destroyed, Shiro is in the clones body, but it's the real Shiro.

Lance's P.O.V.
I can't sleep, every time I close my eyes I see me rushing in front of Allura, the pain of being shot and then blackness. I can't deal with this. I died, and I didn't tell anyone. I actually died. Allura brought me back but what if she couldn't? What if it happens again and she can't?

I'm having nightmares constantly, seeing different ways I could die from falling down the stairs to getting stabbed in battle. They're so bad that I can't sleep. I didn't tell anyone, I don't know how to. Especially after finding out Shiro was dead for ages, he tried to say to me, but we weren't close enough. Allura didn't tell anyone because we had more important things to worry about.

I need to sleep, but every time I close my eyes, I feel so much pain and see myself die in so many ways. I guess now I'll only sleep when I'm truly exhausted, is it stupid? Yes, but does it make me feel better? Yes.

I pull myself out of bed and walk down the quiet halls of the castle, it's the middle of the night, so everyone else is asleep. I wonder if there's any food in the kitchen, should I eat it? Well, I'm starving, so I'm going to eat it anyway.

When I take a step into the kitchen, I see Krolia, Keith's mother. Maybe I should go back to bed, I don't want to make a bad impression on her or anything, I kind of like Keith and it would be bad if his mother hates me. I know it's easy to hate me, I shouldn't take that chance.

I quietly turn around to leave when I hear her call me.

"Red paladin." She says, and I freeze up "It's ok, I don't bite. I actually want to talk to you."

I walk over to her nervously, what does she want to talk about?

"Shouldn't you be in bed? What are you doing up?" She asks raising an eyebrow

"Just couldn't sleep, I got hungry." I lie

"Every night you're up late and look very tired." She comments "Why are you having trouble sleeping?"

"Just... reasons..." I say looking away "What did you want to talk to me about?"

"You like my son don't you?" She asks with a small smirk on her face

"W-What? Of course not!" I whisper-yell blushing a lot

"Lance." She says my name which shocks me, I didn't think she knew it "I didn't get to spend enough time with my husband or Keith, We missed out on our family. I love my family, but I had to leave to protect them. You love Keith, it's obvious. So give him the love I never could."

I stay silent for a few seconds before speaking up.

"I-I don't think that's such a good idea." I say "I don't think Keith really likes me that much. We argue a lot when he came back, he told me he didn't have time, and he ignored my hug."

"I spent two years with him, and the person he spoke most about was you." Krolia states making my heart skip a beat

I feel I slight tickle in my hair, but I ignore it.

"R-Really?" I ask hopefully

"Yes, I believe you have a chance, Lance." Krolia smiles "You'd be good for Keith."

I smile for a few seconds before feeling more tickles in my hair, I reach up a hand to touch, but there's nothing there.

"Your hair..." Krolia whispers "It's turning white."

"What!?" I shout before covering my mouth

"It's what happened to Shiro after he was brought back." She says quietly "Lance did you die?"

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