Left Out

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Lance's P.O.V.
I walk down the empty hallways of the castle, looking for someone to hang out with. I've finished training and my chores for the day, so I'm bored and don't want to be alone right now. I wonder where Hunk is.

I look in the kitchen, but Hunk isn't in there. Maybe he is hanging out with Pidge in the hangers, working on the lions. He seems to hang out with her a lot now days. I know that they're both smart and know how to engineer but I feel like we're drifting apart

Half of me wants to cling to him and hold on to our friendship, but in all honesty, Pidge is probably a better friend than I'll ever be, even still it hurts a lot. Hunk and I have been friends since we were like 5. We were always together, always spending time with each other but ever since we got to space he was to busy to spend time with me. I shouldn't be selfish though, of course, Hunk can and will make other friends.

I arrive at the hanger where the lions are kept, and I'm correct in thinking Pidge and Hunk are here together. They're fiddling around with the green lion, probably reinforcing the armour or something

"Hey, guys, what's up?" I ask but they didn't hear me, they just keep talking "Guys?!"

I walk closer to them, and they finally notice me.

"Ahh, Lance! Say something would ya?" Pidge yells shocked

"I did, I said hey twice." I reply

"Oh sorry, buddy." He replies

"It's ok, what are you guys doing?" I ask

"Just strengthening the joints between Green." Hunk explains

"Cool." I say

"You'd probably find it boring Lance." Pidge says, her words cutting deeper than she probably thought

"Yeah, it's just techy stuff, nothing that cool." Hunk adds

"O-Ok, I'll just go to my room or something." I say making a quick exit after I find out I'm not wanted anymore

I walk out of the hanger and walk down the hallway to look for something to do. Maybe Allura and Coran need help with something. I don't really feel like I fit in with them because they're both the last Alteans and spend a lot of time together, talking about their former home, friends and families.

I find them in the control room having a discussion about one of their old festivals that they think would be a good idea to share them with the team.

"Hey, guys, what are you talking about?" I ask

"Just Altea, you'd probably be bored listening." Allura states

"Really? I'd like to hear about your home though." I say

"Sorry my boy, it's very personal." Coran states smiling sadly

"Oh, of course, I'll just... go then." I say and quickly remove myself from the room, walking down the hallway

Maybe I should just give up, everyone seems busy with each other, so I'm probably intruding on their time together. I should just go back to my room.

As I make my way back to my room, I see Shiro in the hallway alone.

"Hey Lance, how are you doing?" He asks me, shocking me slightly

"I'm fine, what about you?" I ask

"I'm good too, have you seen Keith?" He asks making my stomach sink "We're planning to train together."

"I haven't seen him, can I join you though?" I ask

"I don't think you'd enjoy it, it's pretty full on." Shiro states "Not exactly 'Sharpshooter' training."

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