You Make Flowers Grow In My Lungs

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Lance's P.O.V.
I'm sitting at the large dining table with Hunk and Pidge, eating breakfast and playing an Altean card game. Allura and Coran are watching us play and smiling that people are learning. Just as I'm about to win Keith and Shiro walk into the dining room, my eyes shoot straight to their interlocked hands.

I feel something inside me, like a sharp stab in my lungs but it goes away after a few seconds. Everyone else turns to look at them as well, and they seem nervous.

"We have something we want to tell you." Shiro says "Err well, Keith and I are dating."

Everyone's silent for a few seconds, Hunk and Ping both know about my crush on both of them, and how I was building up the confidence to choose and confess but I guess that isn't an issue anymore. Allura and Coran also had their suspicions, but they didn't know. At this rate, no one is going to say anything.

"Congratulations guys, you're perfect for each other." I say, plastering a fake smile on my face

"Yeah, congrats guys." Hunk says happily

Pidge looks over them for a few seconds before smiling happily. Allura also smiles, but I see the worried look she gives me. Coran stays silent, but he places a comforting hand on my shoulder.

"Thank you." Shiro says, and they take a seat at the table

"What are you doing?" Keith who has been silent up until this point asks

"We're playing an Altean card game." Pidge explains

I can feel the worry of the team directed towards me, except Shiro and Keith of course who don't know what the problem is. I feel the pain in my lungs again, and I begin to cough into my hand. I feel something come through my mouth and land in my hand.

I have a sip of water and open my hand under the table so no one can see. It's a small petal, red with a black lining. What the hell? Did I just cough up a flower petal? Is it from some weird food I ate?

I feel myself begin to panic with questions, who just coughs up a flower petal? I can't just tell the team, they'll worry, but I need to ask Pidge about this if anyone knows it's her.

"Pidge, can I talk to you?" I ask quietly

She nods, and we both get up.

"Hey, where are you two going?" Hunk asks

"We have something to check." I say quickly "About our game cube."

Pidge and I quickly leave and head to her workshop.

Keith's P.O.V.
I watch as Pidge and Lance leave the room in a rush. I can tell Lance is lying, but I don't know why he is lying to us. Is it Shiro and I dating? I mean I know he isn't homophobic or anything, but is he jealous? I know he looks up to Shiro as his hero, or maybe it's because I, his 'rival' got into a relationship before him.

I really hope he gets over whatever issue he has quickly because Shiro and I want him to join us. We were going to ask him before telling the whole team about our relationship but decided it was better to not keep it a secret. That way it won't affect the team as badly if they found out by accident.

I feel a hand underneath the table grab mine, and I look to see Shiro giving me a worried look.

"Everything ok?" Shiro whispers

"Why did Lance leave so quickly?" I whisper back "You don't believe he really had something to do?"

"Don't worry about it Keith, I'm sure it was nothing." Shiro assures and gives my hand a squeeze

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