Not You

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(A/N):The castle never got destroyed, they're fighting the Galra instead of going back to Earth.

Trigger Warning(s)
-Mentions of abuse

Lance's P.O.V.
What a day, we defeated Lotor, escaped the quintessence field, saved Shiro and managed to all come out alive. Honestly I can't believe everything that has happened over the past few weeks, I'm so ready for a bit of time to relax.

We all decide to head back to our rooms to sleep and then we'll take a few days to rest before getting back into training, maybe we could go to a planet with a beach. I want to go home, go to the beaches on earth but we need to take out the Galra before we can go.

I wonder if Shiro has his clone's memories? I hope not, Shiro's clone, Kuron I guess is what we're calling him said and did some pretty horrible things to me. Shiro doesn't need that kind of stuff on his shoulders, he didn't do anything. Especially not after all he's been through.

I still don't want to be alone with him, he has the same face as the person who wore me down to feel like nothing. But I'm not going to let it come between anything, my feelings aren't as important as a war.

I arrive in my room and throw myself onto my bed, closing my eyes and feeling the hardships of the universe fading away. I can pretend I'm in my bed back home, hearing the ocean outside my window, sharing a room with my brother Luis.

As I'm about to fade into sleep I hear a knock at the door. Groaning I open my eyes and walk over to the door, pressing the button to open it. Outside the door is Shiro, awkwardly smiling at me.

"Hey Lance, can we talk?" He asks

"About what?" I ask "I was just about to fall asleep."

"Oh sorry about that, I just wanted to know if we were ok?" He states

"Ok?" I question

"Yeah, like Kuron didn't do or say anything bad to you right?" Shiro asks "I don't really remember much however I'm slowly getting his memories back."

How the hell am I supposed to answer that? "Oh yeah your clone made me feel worthless and useless but I'm perfectly fine". No way in hell, Shiro's been though enough, he doesn't need me causing issues as well.

"No, he didn't do anything." I lie "You don't need to worry about anything."

"Are you sure?" Shiro asks

"Yeah, I'm going to go to sleep now, I'm really tired." I reply, rubbing my eyes

"Ok, goodnight Lance." Shiro replies, walking away

Hopefully he doesn't regain the memories of what Kuron did to me. If he does I'll just say that he's remembering wrong. Either way I'm too tired to stay up any longer and ponder this.

**Time skip to a few weeks later**

Shiro's P.O.V.
I've slowly begun to regain memories from Kuron's time in this body. I remember Keith leaving, when we saved a few planes, one night we had a big sleep over in the lounge room and I didn't do anything to horrible to Pidge, Hunk, Allura, Coran or Keith.

The only person I can't remember much about Lance. I vaguely recall seeing a destroyed look on his face, like someone tore his heart out, I think Kuron yelled at him a lot but it's all fuzzy. The last memory I have is me, or Kuron I guess barely paying attention to him when Keith would come back from the blades or if he was doing something.

I know Lance sees me as some sort of hero but with these hazy memories in my head I don't feel like I am. I know it's not me who did that, but I died and left the team with a clone.

Lance and I haven't spoken much since I came back. He doesn't meet my eyes, he makes sure we aren't in the same room alone and I can't hold a conversation with him. I know Kuron must have done some really bad things but I don't have those memories, no one else knows and Lance won't tell me.

It's nighttime now and I'm walking back to my room. I hear soft sobs coming from Lance's room as I pass it. I should probably go check, but he doesn't want to talk to me... But it's not like I can just leave him.

I knock on the door and the sobbing stops. There's a pause of silence and a memory comes washing back to me. Kuron was in a similar situation, he watched Lance cry, why didn't he do anything? Why did he just watch?

"Lance?" I ask

I hear the shuffle of footsteps and the door opens, revealing Lance looking sad and tired.

"Are you ok Lance?" I ask, reaching out a hand to touch him

He flinches back and nods, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah I'm fine, just getting ready to sleep." He replies

"Lance you know you can talk to me right?" I say softly "If Kuron did something to you I want to know, I want to make it better."

"He didn't." Lance says shortly

"Lance before I went missing you'd talk to me every day, we even trained together a lot." I sigh "But after I got back you barely talk to me and you seem scared of me."

"You really want to know?" Lance asks and I nod "Ok I guess..."

Lance's P.O.V.
I move aside to let Shiro into my room. I've tried to hold off from telling him about Kuron but I can't anymore. He's noticed me avoiding him and it's only so long until he regains the memories and find out that way.

We sit down on my bed and I shuffle awkwardly, trying to find the words to speak.

"So what did Kuron do?" Shiro asks gently

"Umm well, he picked on me a lot I guess?" I say "He would yell at me a lot and tell me I was useless and holding Voltron back. He would make me train all the time, even if I was hurt. He wouldn't listen to what I had to say and always blamed me when things went wrong. Sometimes he would push me around or grab me harshly."

"Lance I'm so sorry." Shiro says "You have to know what he said isn't true."

"Isn't it?" I sigh "Because sometimes it really feels like it."

"Lance, Kuron is wrong." Shiro states, placing a hand on my shoulder "You're not useless or holding us back, You're one of the strongest members of the team, you're what holds us all together."

Tears leak from my eyes and I sob again, trying not to burst out crying. Shiro awkwardly shifts, not knowing if it's ok to touch me.

"I was sos worried you hated me, I really thought Kuron was you." I sob "I'm so sorry."

Shiro slowly and carefully wraps his arms around me and I cry into his chest. I feel so relieved that I got everything off my chest. After my tears  dry I look up at Shiro and smile.

"Thank you for telling me." Shiro says

"Thank you for listening." I reply

"I promise I wont let you feel that way again." Shiro states "Kuron is gone."

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