Brother Grady

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Authors Note: THIS MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS FROM Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. So be careful
Reader POV
I made my way to my brothers area where he raised his own dinosaurs. I hoped to get an idea of what was needed to help the Indominus grow up as healthy as possible. I parked my car and stepped out, taking a deep breath as i made my way to my older brother, Owen Grady.

Owen's POV
I caught Delta's attack with my arm guard and chuckled as I took her off. I stood by and watched as the whole squad was messing around. If not with each other, than with the surrounding toys. I whistled and they all stood inline with blue catching their attention, clearly showing that she is the more intelligent of the bunch. I threw scraps of meat at them and turned to see the door open for my Younger brother (YN) to step into the room.

Owen: Hey (NickName). What brings you out of the lab?
(YN): I uh...need more information on what may be needed to take care of a dinosaur...
Owen: Wait... So that whole "New Dinosaur" thing is legit? You just went and made a new dinosaur?
(YN): Well... According to Wu, im an assistant who isnt worth mentioning. Anyway, i wanted to know how you take care of the squad.
Owen: What-is it part raptor? Every dinosaur has different needs
(YN): Its main genes are from a T-Rex and Veloceraptor
Owen: Well does it have siblings?
(YN): *She um... Had a sibling...
Owen: what, did it die during development?
(YN): she uh... Ate it

Reader's POV

Owen suddenly gave me a "What the actual fuck?" Face as i nodded, confirming his suspicion.

Owen: well then... If she's part Velociraptor, then she has to be some degree of a pack hunter. She needs to have social skills
(YN): What do you mean?

Owen turned to his raptors and whistled, having them all step in line and be given a reward for obeying.

Owen: They assentially learned that I'm their alpha. So basically, They need someone to raise them. To show them what they can eat and what they can't. Punish for bad behavior and reward for good. Understand?
(YN): okay so that is for behavior and mentality. So, what about the paddocks? Any recommended design?
Owen: I'm afraid i can't answer that unless I know what was put into her. Mind sharing?
(YN): sorry but...that much is classified. Even beyond my access apparently
Owen: And yet you're the one who helped make her?
(YN): Henry Wu didn't let me get too involved...

Owen nodded and I yelped in slight pain as i looked down and saw Charlie biting my leg weakly. Owen snapped his fingers and immediately Charlie left.

(YN): Okay bro, thanks for the information
Owen: Anytime (Nickname)

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now