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Reader POV

I awaited for Mr. Masrani to arrive so I may introduce him too Inza. He was quite eager too see the brand new "attraction" that may teach people, just how little they are. I saw his helicopter lower down on a near by helipad with him stepping out once he landed it.

Masrani: (YN)! How are you? and Inza! Is she enjoying life?
(YN): Im Good, Inza is good aswell, Growing more and more
Masrani: Oh? How big is she? No, nevermind i want to see her myself

Masrani then steps up the stairs, into the viewing gallery. He viewed around the enclosure and i grabbed a near by mic.

Masrani: (YN)?
(YN): Yea?
Masrani: What is that?

I turned to where he was facing and noticed the giant scratch on the glass.

(YN): Oh... She um... Broke the glass...
Masrani: So she is intellent?
(YN): She is very much so

I spoke into the Mic

(YN): Inza? Its feeding time

Just then, She started to emerge, just barely visible when she looked at me, eager for her food. As the crane lowered, Masrani seemed almost captivated by Inza.

Masrani: shes..multi-colored?..
(YN): No, She is white

He continued to watch as Inza reached for her food, dragging it to herself as she uses the other too pick it up.

(YN): she is um... Shy, with people watching her eat
Masrani: Ah, Thats what it is. Well that can work, have shedules based on her feeding times.

Masrani then sits back on one of the seats as he turns too me

Masrani: I understand that you know Inza very well, even better than Henry Wu. But I would still appreciate it if you called in your brother, Owen Grady. Id like to have multiple views on Inza's Paddock. Perhaps he may see something that we can't

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now