Her Paddock

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Owen's POV
I had to help (YN) back to the paddock, careful not to too his newly sown cuts. As much as I wanted him to stay in the Med bay and relax, He insisted that he had to be there when I reviewed the cage. As we made our way to the viewing gallery and (YN) started to list off what Inza was made of.

(YN): Inza has um... According to my notes, she has a T-Rex for the base genome, Velociraptor/Human DNA for Intellect, several Tree frogs, Cuddlefish, squid, some Giganotosaurus, Rugops, Majungasaurus, Carnotaurus, Abelisaurus, and several of other species. And im also starting to suspect more and more genomes being inserted into her as time goes on.
Owen: I'm just going to be blunt. This isnt a dinosaur. And im also surprised that instead of playing smart and combining two herbivores, Henry decides to make a giant , mutant T-Rex that is just as smart as us.
(YN): yea... But she is proving too be-
Owen: Smart. She cracked the glass
(YN): y-yea ..
Owen: and I assume those claw marks on that wall where always there?
(YN): Claw what?!

Reader's POV
I rushed to the side that Owen was referencing and I saw several of claw marks, damaging the wall. In a panic, I called the control room.

(YN): Larry! Give me coordinates on the Indominus, Now
Larry: Okay um... One moment... She's in the cage
(YN): Okay... So maybe she is deeper in the enclosure..

I hung up and head down the viewing gallery.

Owen: (YN). Don't be stupid, You shouldn't go in there
(YN): Than maybe I could use the loud speaker...

I entered again and held the speaker.

(YN): Inza?.. Its feeding time..!

Slowly, a crane lowered a giant piece of meat into the enclosure.

Owen: Maybe she is comoflaudged?
(YN): she...never showed signs of being able to do that before...
Owen:... Either way, She hasnt show-

Suddenly, Inza comes rushing to the viewing gallery, Roaring in rage as her claw was dug into the glass, piercing it without a problem. Her low growling echoed as she snapped. Owen backed up and I stood up and made myself seen by Inza, causing her to release a low purring sound, mixed with a growl. She turned away from the viewing gallery.

Owen:...so...she is the one you've been with?
(YN): dont make it sound weird... All i know is that I have to explain this to Masrani...
Owen: Maybe she needs a bigger enclosure
(YN): Most likely...

Inza than turned around suddenly and charged back at the gallery, ramming her head into it as several of rangers aimed at her. I stood closer to the glass and reached out in a desprate attempt to stop her.


In response, she hissed quietly as she leaned up, standing on her hind legs as she stared at me. Eye to Eye, my gaze never left hers as I held my hand steadily, Inza slowly moving closer as a purring sound can be heard. Owen watched as though he was analyzing me as Inza rubbed her head against my hand, seeming to calm down slightly. After a bit, she turns around to eat the food.

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now