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Reader POV
I looked at the files in confusion..."I...I thought I was Inza's first care taker..." I opened one of the files and saw the following.

Day 9.
The IRX001 specimen has shown to be quite hostile towards others and naturally seems to enjoy being alone. Attempting still to train her still has failed, with no matter how many times we shock or discipline her, just making her more irritable and likely to attack. But, its combat effectiveness has proven to be quiet resourceful with her ability to comoflaudge. It would also appear that she can commune with other species such as: T-Rex, Velociraptor, Dilophosaur, Dimorphadon, Baryonyx, Giganotosaurus, Ceratasuarus, and Carnitorus.

Over all, The Indominus rex seems to be exactly what Vic Hoskins requested for. Just some more testing and shock therapy, than it will be ready.

After i read the notes, I heard a high pitched screech from the playing video. I turned and saw something that terrified me... Inza.. Only a few days old, was being shocked and poked at by doctors for the sake of tests... As she screamed and hissed, she kept getting taxed until she collapsed. I couldn't help but ball my hand up into a fist as anger began to flow through me. Just then, Henry came into my office and seemed to quickly catch on to what happened.

Henry: I see you saw the testing of the Indominus.
Henry: Look. I know it sounds bad but Indominus wasn't ba-

In interuppted him by punching him in the face, wincing as some of my stitches torn from the sudden movement. As henry held the side of his face, he looked at me with a look of shock.

Henry: Why do you think I made the imdominus in the first place?! She wasn't made to be an attraction, she was made to be a WEAPON. Surely you noticed it. Why would a dinosaur be able to comoflafge?! Or hide from thermal technology?!

All i could do was hold my side as I felt the pain of my wounds.

(YN): she...is a living...being...w-what gives you the right to?..-
Henry: We're all faced with choices that we don't want to make. Do you think I wanted to hurt her?! She is my greatest creation. However, Jurassic World is tumbling down and with it, My research. I had to make alternate plans. Since Masrani didnt care enough about everyone's future, I'm taking matters into my own hands.

I slowly stood up, wincing in pain.

Henry: You're hurt. Lets go to the med bay-
(YN):..who made you do it..?..who made you hurt...her...because its possible...that she is seen as so unstable...because of the torment you put her through!!

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now