Calm in Sorna's Storm

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Owen's POV
Masrani called me again to ensure that I also check another paddock under the watch Chris Smith. I rode my motorcycle to the area and saw that the Walls for the paddock seemed to be heavy, reinforced steel and not electrified concrete like the others. I headed into the viewing gallery and saw Chris monitoring the enclosure through several of cameras. I noticed that construction workers were inside of the paddock while Chris kept an eye on the Spinosaur.

Owen: Chris?
Chris: Owen?
Owen: Im here to review this paddock by request of Masrani. Where is the Spinosaurus?
Chris: Sorna is by the little lake, tranqed and down for the count while the enclosure is improved.
Owen: um... How do you know she is down for the count?
Chris: We used several T-Rex darts and than some. She is down
Owen: I feel ACU should be-
Chris: ACU is here with Sorna, making sure she remains fed and down. Anyway, you're here to review the paddock?
Owen: um... Yea, but i don't think I can due to Sorna being down and the enclosure being adjusted.
Chris: Yea... Turns out, Sorna is a more aquaric dinosaur. So we are changing the enclosure to furfile her needs-

Just then, The ACU can be seen from the cameras, shooting and being attacked by Sorna, who was killing them all left and right as she roared in anger. She stomped on some people and even ate them whole, leaving almost no trace of them. Chris hurriedly informed the other people of Sorna through the Mic

Chris: ACU! This is Not a drill! SPNO001 Is awake and heading your way, Ready weapons!!

The Spinosaur must have understood what all that meant, judging from how she turned to the less constructed, slamming through it, freeing herself. She roared as she made her way to the Gyrosphere Valley.

Chris: No No No FUCK!

Chris immediately left the viewing gallery and went inside one of the ACU vehicles, driving right after the escaped dino while I drove to the control room.

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now