The Decision

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Reader POV
As Inza started to walk away, I looked up at her as she held me tightly. She set me down and got on all fours, nudging me to go ahead.

(YN): you...want me to stay?

Inza raised her head as a low purr erupted, nodding. I turned to her and saw Owen and Claire watching me, clearly not knowing what to do. Inza was too big for her to come with us. I sighed and hugged Inza's arm, causing her to tilt her head slightly. I patted her arm and sighed, turing to the others.

(YN): I'm... I'm going to stay with Inza on the island..
Owen: what..?

Owen walked towards me, careful of Inza as he looked at me.

Owen: What?..
(YN): I can't just leave her...

Owen paused and looked down, putting his hands into his pockets.

Owen:...than im going to stay with you.

Suddenly, loud screeched could be heard in the distance.

Delta and Blue came rushing through, Running over to Owen as they make little hisses and purrs. Owen reached a hand and while blue made a low purr, Delta steadily made her way too me with an injured leg. She turned to Inza and made a screech and Inza made a growl in response. Delta seemed to nod and approach me, nuzzling her head into my shoulder while making a low purr. She seemed to be apologizing for the scars on my back... I hesitantly pat her on the head and she ran back to Owen as Claire got the kids into the evacuation Helecoptor. Before Claire got on, she sighed and turned to both of us, walking over.

Claire: Why do you two want to stay?
(YN):... Because I raised Inza. I watched her grow and watched her struggle...watched her take her first steps and even remember when she bit my hand...

I looked down at my hand, seening the bandages that covered what may have been one of my 5 fingers.

(YN): I remember when she bit if off... When she was a brat or just being sweet... She... I love her as though she were my own child... And she is 3.. I can't just leave her alone here...

Claire seemed to be taken aback by my words, taking them in and thinking carefully. She nodded and hugged me and Owen tightly and soon let go, turning to the copper, wiping her eyes as she got in. As the chopper flew away, I turned to Owen, Delta, Blue, and Inza as they watched the copper...

Isle Nublar... My New home... My World...

This... This is what it led up to...

This is what I had to do

"To Raise a Beast"...

TimeSkip/Unknown Location

???: What do you mean you don't have it?! Didnt you pack it up?!?!
???: N-No sir.. Masrani and (YN) ordered us too l-leave-
???: Hmm... Than we need to return to the island. We have to get IRX-DNA...
???: b-but Henry-
Henry: SILENCE! It is MY creation. Even if I have to kill it, Than ill do it. It's time I improved on it and took the next step in...gods evolutionary concepts.

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now