Sudden Rage

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Reader POV


Its been almost 2 years since i met Inza and decided to become her "Mom" as some co-workers would call me. Over time, Inza grew significantly, almost being twice my height with me being 6ft tall. She only ever bit me a few times and i actually lost a pinkie but never the less, i still  decided too comit, against everyone protesting. Overtime, Inza slowly began to finally get used too me, now being intelligent enough to understand me but ignore it.

(YN): Inza! Food! Now!

I came into the enclosure and walked around, signalling the man controlling the giant crane as he lowered a gaint piece of meat into the area.

(YN): Note to self: I have to get Inza a bigger Paddock...

Hearing Inza screech and roar in the background, i turned and saw her staring at me as she slowly emerged. The first thing I noticed was that her skin changed color, from a deep green with several of shades, to her regular pale white. She made her way too me and I stepped away from the meat. She doesn't like it when i step too close and feels more comfortable with me not looking when she eats. Over awhile, i feel her nudge at me slightly as she used her hands to bring some of the meat too me, seeming to want me to have some. She released a low, deep purr sound as her throat rumbled, nudging at me as she clawed off small bits from the meat.

(YN): Sorry Inza, You need to eat all of it

In response, she lets out a low rumble sound and nudges at me again, turning me away from her as she finished her food. Such a shy and caring girl

(YN): I was thinking of moving you to a different paddock. One that's bigger, what do you think?

She only responded with pressing her giant head against me and emitting a low purring sound. I looked up at a near by glass pane where I saw Henry Wu and Claire all watching us Until Inza growled and got off me, charging to the glass and slashed at it, cracking the glass as she glared at Henry with a hateful look.

(YN): INZA! Away from the Glass Now!

She turned too me and roared violently, getting on all fours and charging straight at me in a blind rage. I light up a lighter and threw it to the forest, diverting her attention to the sudden light as I exited...

(YN): Damn...
Claire: Are you okay (YN)?
(YN): yea....just...i dont know
Henry:...It is clearly unstable. It must be removed. Now.
Claire: But there is too much money invested into her to just-
Henry: It broke the glass. Either (YN) isn't raising it right, or it is flawed.
(YN): It? Henry, Inza is female. We bot-
Henry: You. Need to fix her attitude. Attacking the glass won't make the public so excited too see her. If not, we can make another one and use better methods to make it obey.

After Henry finished, he answered a call on his phone and I turned to Claire.

(YN): for someone who needed help on Inza, he really doesnt seem to care for her.
Claire: um well... She attacked the glass
(YN): Not once has she ever attacked glass for no reason. Never. There must be a reason
Claire: Either way, she is being moved too a bigger paddock so she can have more room to thrive.
(YN):...thank you.. I just don't know what happened

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now