Chris' Responsibility

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Reader POV
After a little bit more time with my report, I left the lab and headed towards the other enclosures. Claire was asked to come along so she can get an update on Chris' dinosaur due to him never updating his reports. After some time, we passed the T-Rex Kingdom and made it to Chris' area. We both got out of the car and headed into the paddock area, looking for Chris. We stepped into the viewing gallery and saw I saw a man sitting by a desk, looking through cameras.

Claire: Mr. Smith, why haven't you been filing your reports?
Chris: Because Sorna hasn't been to cooperative lately
Claire: That doesn't mean that-
Chris: Look Claire. I get it, You need to ensure that this encosure is safe, But there is no way that she will be able to get out... Who's this guy?
Claire: This is (YN) Grady. The younger brother of Owen grady and current care taker of the Indominus Rex
Chris: Owen! You're his little brother? You two dont look alike
(YN): I'm not sure How to respond- Look, I'm just here to see if you can give me some advice on taming a dino-
Chris: I'm going to have to stop you right there

Chris then turns too the glass and looks into the environment, motioning us to come closer. Me and Claire get in closer and I see what "Sorna" really is.

 Me and Claire get in closer and I see what "Sorna" really is

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(YN): what...what is...that?..
Chris: Sorna. Sorna the Spinosaurus. Caught and brought here from well... Isle Sorna. Found her killing a T-Rex...
(YN): and she is... Able to kill a T-Rex?
Chris: yep... And smart too. She ate her last care taker when he wasn't too careful you're having...trouble getting close too her?
Chris: I'm not a genius but its obvious that she is too old and used too being free to care to learn anything i have to teach her
(YN):... She is a hybrid?... I thought Inza was the first..
Claire: The Indominus is the first Official Hybrid. The Spinosaur is-
Chris: Is what happens when a man like Henry stops caring about the difference between whether he could or should
(YN): Sorna...The Spinosaur.. From what Chris says, she is a freak of nature...

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now