The Unstoppable Challenger

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Reader POV
As Sorna forced Rexy up and locked her jaws around her neck, Rexy roared in a desperate attempt to break free of her grip. The T-Rex wasnt strong enough to break out of Sornas grip but just before her neck could be snapped, Inza came rushing in and bit down on Sornas neck, throwing her into a building and then charging her through several of other structures. Sorna screeched as she attempted to claw at Inza's face. Though Inza got hurt, the horns on her head and her thick hide prevented any serious ingury. As the Spinosaur was down, Inza stepped on the giant fin on her back, forcing a loud roar to erupt from Sorna. Inza placed her hand down on Sornas head, keeping her head down as she dug her thumb into the back of Sornas head. Sorna kept struggling and got a steady foot on the ground. She finally broke free of Inzas grip and knocked her into a building near by, Causing Inza to be stunned. As Sorna closed in, she rammed Inza through another near by building, causing my heart to slightly tighten at the thought of her being hurt. I saw Owen appear with his motorcycle and got off, driving the bike into a near by wall.

Owen: What... THE FUCK!?
(YN): Give me your gun.
Owen: What?!-

Owen nodded and took off the strap, tossing the gun too me. I took the gun and started to load it as I ran into a building to find higher ground.

Owen's POV
I ran after (YN) into a building as Sorna bit down on Inzas neck, driving her face into the ground and stepping on her arm. As Inza roared in pain, she bit down on one of Sornas arms, forcing her to let her go. Inza than headbutted into Sorna and force her back, hitting her at the side in an attempt to force Sorna to loose balance. Suddenly, Sorna was hit by the head by what looked like a small bullet. Once i made it above the building, I saw (YN) shooting at Sorna. As Inza slammed Sorna into a near by building, (YN) leaped onto Inzas back and continued to shoot her. Sorna roared as he kept shooting what little ammo he had left. She hit Inza with her tail and knocked (YN) off. Catching notice of how vulnerable (YN) was, Inza grabbed (YN) Into one of her hands as she forced Sorna away with her tail. I refused to watch anymore and ran to some of the debris and saw Rexy, seemingly trying to get up. I ran to her and held her snout gently, looking her in the eyes.

Owen: Kick some tail you... Fan favorite you

Rexys lower jaw moved slightly as she continued to try and get up. I ran to some more debris and moved them away and saw Delta and Blue, both passed out. I held both of them close and a low purring sound erupted from them.

Reader's POV
As Inza tried to keep me away from Sorna, she swatted her away and attempted to find a place to put me where I can stay safe. I continued to shoot at her. Inza slipped and Sorna bit down on Inzas hand, causing Inza too panic. She roared and hissed as she clawed at Sorna in a desperate attempt to free me from her mouth while Sorna didn't seem as willing to release me. Inza bit down on Sornas neck and used her other hand to keep her neck in place... As Sorna struggled, I heard a sudden sound from Sornas neck...


Owen's POV
I turned around saw Inza pull (YN) from Sornas limp form, her neck snapped and broken. I felt my eyes widen and stepped back as she held (YN) closer, stopping on Sornas neck and crushing it as she raised her head, Roaring in supreme victory over Sorna, the dinosaur that was able to kill a T-Rex. Claire and kids came stood by each other and Claire turns too me.

Claire: I had Larry call for an evacuation team... They should be here soon
Owen: Good...

I turned and carefully walked to (YN), who was still being held by Inza.

Owen: Evacuation is on the way
(YN): Good... Great..

He panted and tapped Inzas arm, signing her to put him down. Carefully, Inza put him down and he head his side as he panted.

Owen: Lets... Lets go (YN)
(YN): Um...s-sure..

As we started to walk away, Inza started to follow us, making a low purring sound.

Owen: (YN)?
(YN): what..?

He turned around and saw Inza, nuzzling her snout into him carefully. He patted Inza gently and she continued to let out a purr

(YN) I um... Have to go...

As we continued to walk to were the evactuation team was. Once we made it, Everyone seemed to panic when they saw (YN) holding Inza's claw as she toward over everyone. She saw the helecoptor and panicked, picking (YN) up and purring loudly as she turned around.

(YN): Um... Inza?
Owen: It... Looks like she doesn't want you to leave...

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now