Wild Creatures

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Reader's POV
I slowed down as I closed in on Owen as he trained his raptor squad. He locked a cage as Vic Hoskins leaned against the cage.

(YN): Owen! I need your help with-

I felt my eyes widen slightly as I rushed into the cage and saw that one of the raptors, Echo is i remember correctly, Caught the pig and thus, one of the handlers feel into the paddock with his screams catching the attention of all the other raptors. In a sudden rush and on instinct, I ran past Hoskins and Rolled under the gate, now standing between the raptors and the intern. Charlie hissed and Blue leaned down, all of them growling lowly as they stared at me with the intent to kill.

Barry: Are you crazy?!

I turned and saw Owen rushing in, grabbing the attention of the raptors.

Owen: Charlie! Delta! Stand down!

The raptors snapped at Owen, slowly creeping closer to all of us as the intern was safely guided to the gate. I looked up and saw several of Rangers aimed directly at the raptors and I remembered that... Inza would get infuriated and nervous when aimed at. I held my hands up, keeping an eye on the slowly approaching raptors.

(YN): At ease! Put the weapons down!
Owen:... Barry?... Get ready to close the gate...

As the rangers put their weapons down, We both kept an eye on the raptors until I noticed that only 3 were in front of us. I turned around and saw Blue about to pounce until I held my hand out in front of her, causing her to step off and call to her siblings.

Owen: what the hell?...
(YN's Thoughts):... Maybe...They smell Inza on me?...

Blue, Being the beta, called to the other raptors, seeming at a loss of what to do until me and Owen made a break for it to the gates, making it in time but for Delta to claw at my back, leaving several long, deep cuts into my back.

Owen's POV
I looked over at Delta as she made her way back to the others, Blood still on her claws...

Vic: See? Takes trust. Seems (YN) here should stay in a lab where he belongs.
Owen: Barry, Call in Medic. (YN) needs help and fast!

As i slowly blackout, I notice that Blue was staring at me through the gates.


I stood near the entrance of the Med bay as (YN)'s back was being stiched up. Appetently I had to investigate the new paddock for another hybrid and I knew that (YN) had to be with me so he can tell me what kind of dinosaur I was dealing with. But, (YN) was recommended to stay in a bit due to his wounds.

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now