The Mayhem

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Chris' POV
Once I ended the call with Claire, I sped up after Sorna. By now, Sorna was starting a fight with wn ankylosaurus.

Sorna roared in an attempt to intimitate the Ankylosaur, but it stood its ground and prepared for the fight

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Sorna roared in an attempt to intimitate the Ankylosaur, but it stood its ground and prepared for the fight. Sorna aimed her long jaw at its back, just for her to struggle with getting past it. In response, the Ankylosaur swung its tail and slapped the Spinosaur in the face. Sorna than placed a foot on its back, slowly adding more weight onto it. As the Ankylosaur screamed in pain, another one came in and slapped Sorna hard enough to make her back away. I decided to step in and started to shoot darts at Sorna to no avail. Sorna flips one of the Ankylosaurus on their back just for the other to tackle it down. I reached into my bag and pulled out a flare gun, lighting it up as it grabbed Sorna's attention. I started my truck and raced away from the Ankylosaur, providing them with a chance of getting away while Sorna roared frustratingly.

Owen's POV
I finally made it to the control room and looked to masrani, seeing as how the ACU were unable to handle the Spinosaurus, I expected him to close the park with an emergency evacuation.

Masrani: The ACU should be able to hand-
Owen: The ACU was dropped already, They were the ones guarding the Spinosaurus in the first place!
Masrani: Oh dear...
Vic: "Oh dear" is right everyone!

Suddenly, Vic Hoskins entered the room and approached us both with a confident smirk.

Vic: ACU is down and you don't seem to have any options.
Owen: Before you continue, I already know you're going too-
Vic: It is happening. Look. Neither of you seem to have a choice here. The velociraptors?

His smirk grows even wider as he turns to the screens, looking at the Spinosaur.

Vic: I already know they can hunt, and kill that creature.
Owen: You may *think you know. But what makes you think they will *want to hunt that thing.
Vic: We MAKE them. Its time for a field test.
Masrani: Let me be... As clear as I can... No velociraptor is going to be let loose on this island.

Vic only chuckles as he makes his way back to the elevator, shaking his head.

Vic: One way or another, its happening. With, or without you

Reader's POV
I made it back to the lab and headed straight to Henry's office. I still needed to know what exactly the spinosaur was and how exactly she is able to kill a T-Rex so easily. I limp my way to my office and reach into the loud speaker.

(YN): Henry Wu. I would like to have a word with you... Henry Wu. I would like to have a word with you...

I cut myself off as i continued to browze through files known as "The Hybrid Project: Rebirth" curiosity got the better of me as i opened the file and saw... Reports on Inza... Reports that were filed by Henry Wu before she was officially under my care..

"To Raise a Beast" Indominus Rex x Male Trainer ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now