Chapter 6

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Jean’s POV

“Jean! Get up!” Shima is pulling my  right arm up.  I’m actually lying on the bed here in our room in the hotel.  I FEEL SICK AS SHT.  >.<

“I’m really feeling sick Shima! Let me rest for awhile! Just please!” Imagine! I RODE AN AIRPLANE AND I FEEL LIKE I’M STILL FLYING UP IN THE SKY AND I FEEL LIKE MY WHOLE WORLD IS TURNING AROUND ME!

“Fine.  I’ll go there alone.” She said while packing her camera and some of her EXO stuff

“What? Where to? You’ll go there alone? What if you get lost? C’mon just for awhile! I really just can’t help this feeling!”

“Then rest.  I have to go.  I’m going to SMEnt. I’m gonna wait for them outside.”


“Gahd Shima. Please. Can’t we go there tomorrow morning??” why is she so excited?!

“I need to see them now! Just rest!  I’m not gonna bother you. And I swear I can take care of myself.”  She said.  Of course she can.  I know she can.  But I won’t let her  go alone.

“What the hell??? It’s 11:00 in the evening  They’re probably asleep!”  Oh my gahd.  She’s causing me more headache >.<

“Nope they’re not! And there are fans there waiting for them too don’t you know that? They really wait for them outside the building.” she walks to the door and is about to open it.

“Shima! Wait up!” I tried my best to stand up and keep my balance. “Wait for me.”


I packed my things: a camera, a phone, and a pen.  I am going with her not just because I want to see them but because I don’t want Shima to go alone there.  We can’t tell what could happen.  Especially we’re not in our country and we’re not that familiar with the place yet.

“Seriously Jean? No  poster? No album? No postcard or anything where they could sign?” She  smirked.

“What?  I don’t have anything.  Let’s just go so we could go back early.” I pushed her so we would not waste time because I really want to rest!

I DON’T WANT TO RIDE THAT AIRPLANE ANYMORE! I JUST CAN’T!  THE FEELING! OH MY GAHD! I did throw up like more than the number of fingers in my hands. I DON’T LIKE THAT FEELING! PLEASE! TT^TT

“Who said we’re going back? WE ARE STAYING THERE.” Shima said the last phrase like spelling it out letter by letter.

What the hell! I don’t think I’m going to enjoy this trip! JUST PLEASE LET ME SEE THEM ONCE. THAT WOULD BE ENOUGH. I W-A-N-T T-O R-E-S-T!

He said..She said.. (EXO Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now