Maybe if they found out they wouldn't hate me...

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"AH THATS IT" those words echoed through the halls of the castle of lions. Soon after an announcement blared through the speakers. "Meet in the control room, no one be late!"

Lance grumbled to himself, leaving his room and making his way towards the control room. When he entered the room fell silent, one by one they all turned to face lance. Lance's heart rate began to escalate, every event that happened since the dawn of his birth went through his mind.

Everyone's expression turned into a excited smile and soon after hunk said "Allura remembered there's cameras around the castle, so we can find out who sang the other night"

Lances pov

I felt my heart pound in my stomach, a million thoughts surrounded my head, I had to say it, it was the only way. It was me

"What was that lance?" Hunk asks
"Oh nothing"

"Shut up guys where getting close to midnight!" Keith exclaimed his now taller form gripping my shoulder. Jesus fucking Christ, he's holding my shoulder. Um think fast... ah yes!

I nudged my shoulder away and moved towards pidge, I turned to see Keith almost pain in his eyes, yet he was smiling. Hm I know that feeling.

"GUYS WE FOUND IT!" Allura shouted in excitement, her expression lightened and her eyes shone, like a child's when they saw candy for the first time in forever. "Oh god, it's to dark.... you can see the altean marking on the guitar but that's really all...."

"Can you turn the brightness up?" Shiro curiously asks

"Ah good idea number 1!" Coran shouted from the other side of the room.

"If this guy wanted to be found, wouldn't he just I don't know.. say it was him?" Keith said. Finally someone said something logical.

"I mean yes however I neeed to know!!" Pidge jumped with a pout on there lips.

I hadn't said anything in awhile, I was watching everyone. Thinking if I should just say it was me, however just my luck when I think I hum. AND GUESS WHAT I DID! I HUMMED!

No one noticed.
I sighed in relief as my heart rate became normal. The clock was ticking, the ticks were passing I had to do something, so I said it.

"It was me"

A silent cryWhere stories live. Discover now