This isn't the end of our story

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Dear paladins and co,

This wasn't the way it was suppose to be, I know some of you care but I don't feel as though you do. So I'm going to explain why I'm doing this, not because of vai-

"Hey lance, what you writing?" Keith said striding into my bedroom.

"Oh nothing important"

"You looked like it meant the world to you, so c'mom let me see" Keith bragged

"No, it's nothing" I said again

"LET ME SEE!" With that he ran towards me, pain and anger in his eyes, he wanted to see my suicide note and I couldn't let that happen.

"GET OFF OF ME" I screamed back




"Go. Away."


"Why do you care?" Not even a whisper escaped my lips, a layer of pain covered my blue eyes, all of my emotions came over me.

"Because after, that training session a few days ago, we didn't know you felt like that-"

"Of course you didn't know, because lance was just the goof ball, lance is just the happy one! Right!? Oh but his team didn't care enough to pay attention to him, his TEAM DIDN'T GIVE A CRAP HE HAD SCARS ON HIS WRISTS! HIS TEAM DIDN'T CARE HE WAS JUST THE 7nth WHEEL AND WHEN I NEEDED YOU MOST YOU LEFT KEITH! YOU LEFT ME ALONE WITH ONLY MYSELF TO BLAME! DID YOU THINK LEAVING WOULD SOLVE ANYTHING?! IT HELPED NOTHING BUT YOUR EGO" I stopped all of my emotions burst out of me, all of my anger and pain, all of my tears had dried and nothing came out anymore.  My throat hurt from screaming, my eyes burned from crying, my heart hurt.

"I'm sorry lance." Keith left me alone, nothing but pain and anger filled my emotionless void, nothing but tears fell off my face once again.

"I'm sorry Keith"

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