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Jimin has to go back. He just has to. It's been bothering him for the last couple of days.

The rose bush, the stalker.


He hasn't even been feeling that hungry. Blood didn't sound so good because the thought of someone stalking him in the woods made him nauseous.

It was either a pitiful human or a werewolf. One of those two. If it were a human, however, he would have smelt them. Easily but... He didn't smell anything. In fact, he wasn't even looking for anything. The rose bush drew him in. Perhaps it's a trap.

Jimin has decided.

He's going back. Tonight.


"Yoongi hyung... I was thinking. Well... if you wouldn't mind..."

"Just spit it out Jimin. I don't got time for this." Yoongi snaps. Jimin rolls his eyes before sighing and speaking.

"I'm going back." Jimin shouts. Yoongi looks at him, his blue eyes piercing through Jimin.

"Jimin... No. You're not going back there by yourself-"

"I'm 21 years old for god sake. Let me live Yoongi. I don't need you breathing down my neck 24/7. I'll be fine. Just don't tell Jin hyung, Alright?" Jimin snaps.

Yoongi sighs before nodding.

"Fine. Just. Just don't die, alright? I like havin you around." Yoongi says as he smiles softly. Jimin only rolls his eyes before shoving the elders shoulder.

"Hey. I mean it Jimin." Yoongi says sternly. Jimin can't help but smile. He loves it when his hyung shows him affection.

"I promise to be back at dawn." Jimin says, kissing Yoongi's cheek before running off to his room.

Jimin quickly changes into a white tee and a black jacket, pulling the hood over his head

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Jimin quickly changes into a white tee and a black jacket, pulling the hood over his head.

He nods, thinking that his appearance was good enough. He wouldn't want to wear fancy clothes again. That would just make it too obvious that he's a vampire.

Jimin peeks out his dark curtains, his eyes squinting from the moonlight. He breaths in deeply before quietly walking out of his room and slightly cracking his door before running down the hallways, a wide smile on his face as he runs out of the mansion and into the woods.

He goes straight to the rose bush, stopping right in front of it, breathing heavily. But something catches his eye. A blue rose sat right beside the bush. Jimin cautiously picks up the rose before slightly smelling, taking in the sweet fragrance.

"Beautiful." Jimin murmurs as he caresses the roses pedals. He almost forgot that he is in the woods until a low growl sounds from behind him.

Jimin freezes and drops the rose, eyes turning blood red. He slowly turns his head, enough to see behind him but still have most of his face covered.

His eyes search the area, finding nothing but darkness until they land on a pair of amber eyes, staring at him through the darkness.

"So you're the one that's been watching me." Jimin mutters as he steps forwards, his feet edging the rose bush.

"Don't you dare." A low voice says from behind him. Jimin smirks before slowly turning his head.

"Don't what? It's just a rose bush, sir. Nothing more." Jimin states as he hovers his foot above the bush.

He loves the roses but he's a vampire. He's teasing this wolf for fun. Nothing more.

"You're in my forest." The wolf growls from behind him.

"Technically, it's not your forest, little pup, it's local." Jimin says, finally turning around and meeting amber eyes.

"You've been too sneaky." He snarls.

"Oh sir! I've done nothing wrong! Unless, picking a rose is a felony here." Jimin spat as he pushes the male backwards. The wolf growls and before Jimin knew it, he was tackled to the ground and held tightly around the wrists and his waist is secured. He can't go anywhere.

"Listen you piece of shit, these are our woods. You have your own pitiful land. You can't trespass. I have the right to kill you and torture you." He growls before ripping off Jimin's hood. Just as the wolf was about to grab his throat, he freezes, looking Jimin dead in the eye.

Jimin breathes out through his parted lips. The males eyes are wide and no longer amber which confuses the elder.

Jimin shakes his head before pushing the male off him and switching their places, making him top. Jimin is hungry. He hasn't eaten in a week.

"I'm hungry." Jimin sings as he forcefully takes the males head and shoves it to the side to get a better view of his neck.

The wolf under him growls and tries to free himself, but Jimin was lost in a trans. He can feel the wolf's blood. He can smell it. And he's hungry.

"LET ME GO!" The wolf screams. Jimin looks up at him and smirks.

"Little pup, you shouldn't have wondered out of your den." Jimin spat before placing his lips on the males neck and opening his mouth, his fangs piercing the skin as the wolf lets out a loud cry.

The blood floods into Jimin's mouth and he's immediately addicted. The wolf under him tries to free himself but he grows weaker and light headed from the loss of blood.

Jimin wants to finish this wolf. Kill him. No one touches Jimin. Not without consent at least. And this wolf full on tackled him.

"T-The rose bush. It's. It's mine." The wolf says weakly. Jimin freezes.

He pulls his fangs out of the wolf's neck before looking back at his amber eyes.

"You planted that?" Jimin asks. The wolf nods. Some part of him makes him feel as if the wolf shouldn't be killed. Yet.

Jimin glares at the wolf before lifting himself off him and licking his lips, taking in the last drop on blood.

"Can't kill you just yet little pup. Next time, don't wonder too far from your den." Jimin whispers in the wolf's ear before running off.

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