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It's patronizing him, the angel and devil on his two shoulders arguing and basically pulling his mind apart. Growling, the male slides out his his chair almost hastily.

"Killing the elders?! What in gods name were they thinking!" Namjoon screams at his wall. The idea is completely insane! These wolves basically raised them and now they have the crazy idea of killing one of them. He's got many problems on his shoulders right now, and this is one of the bigger ones.

First, it's the fact that this idea was even thought of! And now Jungkook is spinning against his own leader and the vampires are throwing up blood- Just why is this happening? Out of all the times for these things to appear, it's gotta be all at once, right now. Wonderful.

A soft knock sounds the room which makes the alpha snap out of it, letting out a frustrated sigh before walking over and opening the door. "What is it?" he asks, poking his head out of the door. Though, his glared eyes soften quickly at the male in front of him,

"Taehyung... hey." Namjoon says quietly and the younger gives a little smile before pushing himself through the door.

"Namjoon, I think it's best to talk things out with someone rather than your wall." Taehyung says softly, jumping on the alpha's bed and laying on it like a starfish. "You bottle up your feelings too much. Talk to me about it, hyung. Especially with just happened."

Namjoons sighs. "Tae there's not much more to say." He mumbles, sitting down beside the smaller. "I'm just stressed about everything and now we have to kill the elders in order to escape for the vampires. But what would that matter? Because back there they have Ha-eun running the joint so we'd have to avoid her and stay away longer, again." He screeches out. "I just don't understand that out of all the different possibilities we had, they chose that one."

"Joonie hyung, I get it. You're the smartest and leader of our pack, you must follow certain rules and protect us.. but.. the truth is, we don't really need protecting right now." The pup tries to put lightly. "We need our brother to help us go to the people we love. To the person YOU love."

Namjoon looks up at that, expression unreadable but Taehyung doesn't say anything else, knowing that his words got to the alpha and maybe, just maybe, he'll agree to help. "We don't have all the time in the world to do this, but just enough time for you to think through it." He gets up and hugs the alpha. "You're the smartest, hyung. With your help, things would go by much more smoothly. And plus-" He pulls away with a large boxy grin. "We can't do anything without our big brother."


It's very quite, a silence between the two; an uncomfortable silence. Jimin is currently sitting on the floor, back rested against the tub, his intentions of bathing long forgotten. He can't believe that... Ha-eun knows. How long as she known? Is she after- Oh god is she after the pack?!

"You're scared..." Leedo whispers. "I can sense it."

"No shit i'm scared!" Jimin screeches out, finally saying something. "The man I love is now in potential danger! And I don't know what the hell to do!"

The boy curves himself in. "I-I understand your worry but she's....she's not after him. Not right now at least." At that, Jimin physically relaxes, letting out a heavy sigh. With all that's happening, all he wants to do is cuddle and hug his wolf for hours on end... wants to make all this mess go away.


Jimin looks up. "What?"

"You're in pain." Leedo points at the vampire quietly, big doe eyes reminding Jimin of his lover.

"I'll be okay." The blonde mutters, head gently tapping against the tile wall. The kid is right. He is in pain. And it hurts.. hurts so much that Jimin wants to cry his eyes out and be held by those strong arms, hushed whispers telling him that he'll be okay and that deep, rich chocolate scent drilling into his senses.

He wants Jungkook.

Tears begin to brim the Vampires eyes as he squeezes them shut, swallowing thickly. He tries to ignore the sharp, increasing pain in his side. It's becoming unbearable.

"Maybe I can help?" Leedo asks, big eyes staring at the older in worry and caution.

Jimin looks up at the other with tired eyes, letting out a ragged breath. "Please." And the boy is scooting over quickly, Jimin moving his arms to give the other some room to do his magic shit.

Leedo gently places his palm onto the vampires side. The other doesn't eat much... and his rib cage is easily poking out past his skin... but it makes a little sense due to the killing portion for food. A light pulse can be felt under Leedo's hand due to the amount of pain that Jimin is feeling.

"I can try to cease it..." He whispers, eyes flicking up to look at the older before closing them and letting out a breath. He tries to concentrate, his powers working easily.. You see, when Leedo uses his magic on someone, he is immediately connected with them, able to see all their memories and visions... all their feelings. It's an extraordinary thing, however when in the wrong hands... can become deadly.

Jimin hisses through his teeth, jaw clenching as he tries to not move. It hurts like hell, whatever the kid is doing.

"J-Just a little longer." Leedo mumbles, eyebrows furrowing as he focuses on transferring his power to the vampire, a deep heat falling from his fingertips to the others skin. He opens his eyes after a while, a glint of purple in them as he pulls away.

"Wow...that... actually kinda worked?" Jimin looks at the other in wonder before smiling softly. "Thank you."

Leedo bows his head with a light smile. He felt something... felt something in the vampires heart...

What is it?

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