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Update!!! 🦎🦎

Update!!! 🦎🦎

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"Did Jungkook come to visit last night?" Yoongi asks, his head resting against the marble countertop.

"No..? Why?" Jimin speaks, closing the refrigerator door.

"I heard moans. Did you have a wet dream or something?"

"yoongi! Don't you talk like that." Jin scowls the vampire.

"What? I'm just curious. These walls are paper thin." Yoongi huffs.

"yes Yoongi. I had a wet dream since you wanted to know so fucking badly. And I know exactly why you want to know so badly, its because you want to use it as an excuse to kill me later since I interrupted your sleep." Jimin says bitterly.

"Damn right. I was this close to murdering you." The older grumbles, his eyes narrowing.

"Can you two ever stop arguing? God you're giving me a headache." Jin hisses.

The youngest looks at him questionably. Jin looks like he's been through shit. "You alright Hyung? You look terrible."

"I'm fine. Just a little stressed with that thing" Jin waves behind him, obviously talking about Ha-eun "being here. And NO! I do not look terrible! I am prettier than all of you!"

Jimin and Yoongi both snort. "Aight princess."

The three brothers continued to joke around, feeling a little calmer since Ha-eun wasn't with them at the moment. Or so they thought.




"Shut it." The commander hisses, her glare sending shivers down the boys' spine.
"Those stupid brothers. Fucking idiots. Can't leave them with a thing to watch."

"The house looks quite nice actually-"

"That's not what I'm talking about you dumbass." Ha-eun growls. The boy stares at her questionably.

"Then what-" A sharp pain at his side stops his sentence mid way, a cry etching from his lips.

"These boys must think I'm clueless for me to believe their pitiful lies." The anger rolls off her red tinted lips, clicks and clacks sounding the empty brick tunnel walls as she circles around. "They didn't kill one werewolf. Those idiotic mutts have been living in my mansion."

"Why would that happen? The triplets hate them just as much as you do."

The woman groans, her frustration with the boy growing thin. "I haven't been here the last year and a half! I have no clue to how they have been growing, living, doing to themselves. All I am aware of is that wolves have been living here and they tried to hide it."

The boy doesn't say anything else, not wanting to risk being abused by her again.

"I need to know more, and I will know more. Which is why you're here." Ha-eun smirks, bending down and staring at the boy. "It's really a shame though, that the only one left is the dumbest." She clicks her tongue. "I need more information. You know what to do. Don't disappoint me, Leedo."



It's around 6am when Jungkook arrives to the creek. The cold, crisp air and dark skies make him feel 100x better. Note the sarcasm.

He couldn't really sleep last night, having too many thoughts occupy his mind. Every time he'd almost fall asleep, something stupid would pop into his head and 3 minutes later he's either devouring a snack or going to the bathroom. It was an ongoing cycle for the whole night.

"Jungkook, I didn't expect you to show up until like, 8. Why're you here so early?" Jinyoung asks, finally arriving.

"Couldn't really sleep." Is all Jungkook says, his fingers softly touching the water which makes rings flow around. The latter hums, seating himself on a nearby rock.

"I've been playing secret agent the past 4 hours and listening to the elders' discussions." Jinyoung informs. "They're planning on having your mating ceremony in 4 days."

The pup jumps up. "4 DAYS?!"

"Yeah. 4 days." Jinyoung sighs, eyes wide with frustration. "Ruby is also getting desperate. She wants a mate ASAP so she can feel "Wholesome" as the elders put it."

"4 days.. no no that's way too soon. There's no way I can get out of here in 4 days hyung." Jungkook speaks, his chest rising and falling quickly.

"Well, it's not impossible.."


"Jungkook, I really need you to breath. calm down. We'll figure something out." Jinyoung smiles softly.

"Okay... I-I'm sorry." The younger flushes.

"The only way we could push the date forward is by having a major event take place. Something big." Jinyoung thinks out loud.

"What if..." Jungkook starts. "What if we pretend I'm dead."

the older looks at him, not even giving it a thought. Jungkook huffs. "Fine. What do you suggest then?"

"I dont know. You're really agitating me right now." Jinyoung growls, pulling at his hair.

The younger rolls his eyes. This obviously wont be going anywhere anytime soon. The two are clueless. It'll take a miracle for them to even have a chance.

"Just-" The latter exhales. "Give me some time to think. I'll figure something out. For now, I just need you to stay calm. If you run into Ruby, play along with her. It'll be difficult, I know, but if you're nice enough to her and ask her nicely to extend the date, maybe because youre tired from just getting back or something, maybe she'll agree. So just lay low, alright?" Jinyoung explains.

"Fine.. lay low."

1 hour later.

"Hyung, I've decided. I'm not living past the age of 21."

"Oh stop." Namjoon scoffs, walking down the stairs.

"It's true.."

"So what did Jinyoung tell you to do?" Hoseok asks, seating himself at the table and smelling the fresh meat that sits in front of him.

Jungkook sighs. "Of course you guys know."

"Well yeah. Namjoon hyung made Jinyoung hyung tell him." Taehyung chirps, skipping into the room.

"You just cant keep your damn mouth shut jungkook." The alpha scowls.

"He told me to.." Jungkook gulps. "to be nice to Ruby and play along with her." He cringes at his own words.

Hoseok and Taehyung laugh out loud, Namjoon slightly smiling. "Hey! It's not funny. She's horrible." Jungkook huffs.

"I know, I know." Taehyung pats his back. "But you'll be okay. Just deal with her bitchy attitude like you did before meeting Jimin."

The younger sighs. "Easy for you to say."

"Just do what Jinyoung says." Hoseok shrugs.

"Right..." He curses under his breath.

"If you get on her good side then I bet she'll extend the date if you ask. But Jungkook, you have to act like you want this too. I know you can, just in a matter of if you will." Namjoon pats the youngers back.

With a sigh and a nod, Jungkook walks upstairs to his room, closing the door behind him. "If only we didn't have to hide.." he murmurs, looking out of his window at the moon.

"After this... we won't have to."

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