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How is everyone today???? If you ever need someone to talk to, yo boi is here 💜


"W-We were with vampires"

Silence falls between the two, Jinyoung gaping at him. "Excuse me.. what?"

"I-I know it sounds bad hyung.. But they're not that bad.. I swear they didn't hurt me." Jungkook is quick to speak, heart pounding loudly in his chest as he waits for the older wolfs' reacting.

"Jungkook... if you're joking with me-"

"Why would I ever joke about something like that hyung?" The older looks at him with an unreadable expression.

"I.." Jinyoung stutters, very shocked from this. "Vampires? God Kook.. You're in trouble if the elders find out. At least you didn't do anything stupid."

Jungkook clears his throat, looking at the ground worriedly. "Well..." The black wolf then begins to explain what happened all the way from day one. The bite to Namjoon almost killing Hoseok and to the point where Jimin and him fell in love. Jinyoung was listening intently, not interrupting or making any sounds of disgust which Jungkook was very thankful for.

"So loving a vampire.. huh?"

"Y-Yes hyung.. Please don't be mad. He's really a sweet guy and I really love him with all my heart-"

"Jungkook-ah calm down." Jinyoung chuckles. "I'm not mad.Believe it or not, I am very happy for you." The younger lights up at this. "I could tell that you never really liked Ruby from the start. I wasn't exactly okay with you mating her just to please the elders. But this-" The older smiles. "This makes me happy. He's obviously changed you in ways that no one really can."

Jungkook sniffs, tears brimming his eyes. "Thank you Hyung." He embraces the grey wolf tightly.

"Don't thank me Kookie."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you."

Jinyoung scoffs. "Psh. I knew something was up so you would've had to tell me either way." He sends a wink to the younger. "So."

"hmm?" Jungkook lifts up an eyebrow, the two starting to walk again.

"What're we going to do with the whole Ruby situation?" Jinyoung asks.

"No idea.. I was just thinking that after we go to the pack that I'll just run back to Jimin and I'm sure he and I could figure it out there-"

"Jungkook, the elders wont let you leave until you mate Ruby."

The pup gulps, his foot hitting a tiny rock on the path. "Yeah well.. I'm not mating her."

"You cant run away Kook. They'll just chase after you."

"Tell me something I don't already know." Jungkook snaps, getting frustrated with the topic at hand. He just wants to go back to Jimin already and cuddle with him, shower him with kisses and feel his warmth forever.

But no. He has to go back to his shitty den and pack, trying to figure out how the hell he doesn't have to mate a slut like Ruby.

"Jungkook, I understand your frustration but you need to thoroughly think this through. One mistake can get everyone you love killed, even Jimin." Jinyoung explains, the younger sighing.

"I know hyung.. I know. I just don't know what to do."

"And that's okay. Just go to your den, don't talk to anyone and go to sleep. Meet me by the creek in the morning. We'll think of something there." Jinyoung says, stopping at they are in front of the pack border.

"Okay hyung.. see you then." Jungkook sighs, turning around to walk towards his den. Its a risk to tell Jinyoung but he can trust him. The guys saved his life and has defended him countless times, even against the elders. Namjoon and his brothers wont be able to do anything since they're too attached to the system. So Jinyoung is all he's got.



It's only been 5 hours and Jimin is already missing jungkook. The whole bed is freezing, just the way it was before Jungkook had arrived but not to what the vampire was used to anymore.

His body shivers uncontrollably, his arm unconsciously searching the bed behind him to find any source of warmth but no, there is nothing. With a deep sigh, Jimin finally closes his eyes and sleep takes over him.

"Jimin, baby, wake up." A deep, husky voice sounds in his ear, warm puffs of air hitting his neck.

"Jungkook? The fuck? I thought you were going back home?" Jimin sits up, staring at the wolf questionably.

"Well yeah, obviously. This is dream Jungkook."

The vampire huffs. "Of course it is."

"oh come on." The younger grabs Jimin's shoulders, pulling him down slowly until he's laying atop his stomach, thighs straddling Jungkook's sides.

"What the fuck are you doing." Jimin sighs, shaking his head. "I want other Jungkook."

"No you don't." The wolf leans up, catching Jimin's lip between his pearly white teeth. "Dream Jungkook is the best Jungkook."

It does hurt Jimin to say but he does like this Jungkook quite a lot. He's very bold and obviously very into-

The vampire moans out suddenly, his thoughts being cut off as the younger begins to suck dark marks on his skin, the sting making Jimin hiss.

"God dammit, t-this feels so real." Jimin breaths, his shirt quickly being ripped off before Jungkook's mouth reattaches to his skin, his tongue swiping over the side of the vampires' nipple, causing his back to arch.

"F-Fuck Jungkook."

"You like that?" Jungkook growls, his lips circling around the bud, beginning to suck and bite.

Jimin being the homosexual he is only begs more, moans slipping out of his gaped mouth. He doesn't care if this is a dream anymore because God damn it feels so fucking good.

"M-more. Please Kookie." The blonde begs, a high pitched moan erupting from his throat as the wolf slams his hips up, grinding their clothed dicks together.

"W-When I wake up-" Jimin breaths out. "I'm going to be s-so pissed at you."

"Hmmm. Well, sorry. Oh baby." Jungkook stops his movements. "Remember that I love you."

"Fuck you." Jimin huffs.

The vampire lunges himself forward, body coated in sweat and dick painfully hard in his pants. Jimin growls. "Fucking Jeon Jungkook!"

With more curses, the blonde pulls himself out of bed and into the bathroom, to take care of his little... Situation.

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