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What do you guys want for Christmas?
I asked for a bunny but my parents said no, so instead I put a big fat: "I want a life" for that on my list.


"Okay, spill."
Right now, they're both cooped up in the closet, Jin looking down with worry and confusion at the younger.

"Did you seriously have to shove me in a closet?" Yoongi snaps lightly, trying to reel himself away from Jin and create a gap. It's way too small for both of them to fit inside.

Jin makes a noise of protest. "You can't just say weird things like that and expect me not to shove you into a closet!"

"Okay okay I get it!" Yoongi growls, rolling his eyes as he leans lightly against the wall. "I don't know if Jimin informed you, but we both threw up blood a few days ago. Kinda weird, but it's not that interesting."

"I blame Namjoon's cooking."

The smaller nods his head. "Exactly. Also-" Yoongi's voice turns into a hush. "You know that Vampire 101 book that those dicks gave Jimin the day we turned?"

Jin arches an eyebrow. "Yeah?"

"Well, I was looking through it, right? Cuz I was bored and curiosity got the best of me. Anyways, I scrolled through some chapters and the last chapter in the book was apparently about the topic of Love. All the pages were ripped out after that."

The older just stares at him blankly. "So... you're overly concerned that a book is missing some pages?"

"No!" Yoongi groans. "Hyung you don't get it. No one just rips out a whole fucking chapter in a children's book unless they want something hidden." Jin nods lightly, staring at the wall behind them.

"Now that I think about it... love is a topic that was never really covered when we turned. No one really told us about it. Perhaps because it's not even a problem?"

Yoongi huffs. "I swear hyung. I'm telling you, it's important."

"Yoongi I think you're just overreacting. You haven't been getting much sleep and ever since Hoseok left you've been delusional. Take a break.."

"Do you not believe me?!" The younger scoffs. "Fine. Fine whatever. I'll figure it out on my own then." He shoves past the taller, angrily walking down the hallway to his room.

"I know somethings up. I just know it.." he mumbles to himself as he slams the door to his room shut.



"My name is Leedo..." the boy starts softly, staring at Jimin with big eyes. The vampire is perched against his shower door, eyes hard and teeth clenched. He doesn't speak, waiting for the other to continue.

The boy named Leedo gulps before letting out a shaky breath. "I'm trying to save you..."

"If you're trying to save me, then why make such a threat?" Jimin growls lightly. "There are three other vampires in this building. One of which I would not want to meet if I were you-"

"I've already met her." Leedo cuts in. "Ha-Eun. I know her too well." He says bitterly and Jimin's eyes soften.
"...she's hurt me. A lot... and made me her personal slave-"

"Are you a human?" Jimin asks. It's strange because the boy just smells... different. Not human, or like any creature he's met.

Leedo shakes his head. "No... I'm not... she summoned me-"

"Then what the fuck are you?!! A spy?! Hunter?! Tell me or I might as well just slam your head against the-"

"I'm a silver circle!"

The vampire freezes, eyes widening and mouth softly opening. "...what?"

"I'm..." Leedo looks down. "I'm a silver circle member..."

"Impossible. They're all dead." Jimin shakes his head, not believing it at all.

"Well... ya... we are all dead. I was the last one..." he whispers, eyes going down. "I was young when the circle was attacked and my family hid me..." he murmurs.

Usually, Jimin wouldn't feel pity for people, but he slightly does for the boy on the ground. Cautiously, he places the wrench down and crouches down to make himself level with the stranger.

"So Ha-Eun summoned you?" He asks, eyes now soft as he tries to make the other less scared from him.

Leedo nods lightly. "She's been using me for her biddings.... it's how she knows so much about you guys.." at that, Jimin arches an eyebrow.

"What exactly does she know?"

Leedo pauses, pursing his lips. "P-Please don't hate me- she made me!" The vampire's tongue laps over his fangs as he pulls the boy closer to him.
"I'm hungry, Leedo. And unless you want to be my next meal, you better tell me what you've said."

Gulping, Leedo tries to pry himself away from the other but he's stuck in a grip. "She knows... a-about everything."

Jimin's eyes flash with a mixture of emotions... worry and anger. "Knows what?!! What does she know!"

Leedo bites his lip.
"Answer me!" Jimin screams.

"T-That you are involved with a wolf."

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