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All of you have been... dying for some type of action between two certain people. So, I've shown you mercy and given you some XD.
Sorry for the late update my babies but I've been super busy.
Love you all! 💜


Laughing fills the halls as the door creaks open silently. Poking his head inside, he listens carefully to make sure that they're all distracted.

Don't get him wrong, Leedo would've done it at night when everyone is asleep but Ha-Eun is growing impatient.

"Okay... all clear.." he murmurs to himself, closing the door lightly before tiptoeing towards the kitchen. He slyly looks around the corner, staring at the three vampires in envy.

He wishes that he has a family like that. Not only family but friends. They all look so... happy. Calm. Free. He almost forgot his mission until a certain topic began to settle between the brothers.

"So when is Jungkook coming back?" One asks. Leedo calls this vampire the scary one. His glare scares him to death.

"No idea. He can't come back with that bitch here either way." Jin is the only one that Leedo knows. With one touch of a finger he can have the knowledge of everything about them. Their past, likes dislikes, age... love life. Everything.

"I have to find a way to separate them.." He whispers, turning his back against the wall.

"Seokjin!" Ha-Eun's voice sounds the room. "I would like to speak with you, outside." She smiles.

"Oh... yes of course." Jin nods. The lady sends a glare towards Leedo. Knowing he failed to do something again, he sighs as The two walk off.

"Okay... one down, two to go." He speaks to himself. His gaze lands on the scary one, his eyes squinting.

"Yoongi, I'm bored. Wanna do something?" The smallest asks. Leedo mouths a yes. Since the blonde said Yoongi's name, he can make him leave.

Leedo takes a deep breath in, closing his eyes before opening them, a purple color taking over the usual brown.
"Yoongi... you're feeling sleepy. Head to bed."

"No thanks. I'm feeling sleepy. Imma head to bed." Yoongi says immediately before turning and walking off towards his room.

"Uh... Okay?" The young vampire watches with furrowed eyebrows as the older walks away. "Kinda out of nowhere but alright.." he murmurs, shuffling over to the tv and jumping onto the couch.

Sneaking isn't really Leedo's forte but at the moment, he's lucky, having the vampire being distracted. The slow steady breaths that fall from his mouth as he walks closer to Jimin only makes him more nervous but he cant back out now. With a deep breath in he steps forwards, his hands finding their places on each side of the vampires head.

"What the-" Jimin's sentence is cut short as his eyes turn a dark purple, the same color as Leedo's. Every memory flashes across his eyes. Every detail.

Every Birthday, Every kiss, Every book that has ever been read, Every beautiful sight that the vampire has seen... Everything.

A certain flash catches his attention, a memory of a male.. Big brown doe eyes that slowly shift to a bright amber.. a black wolf figure taking over his mind. A gasp leaves his lips as he quickly pulls his hands away, eyes turning back to brown.

"You're tired." Leedo speaks, tapping Jimin's head gently and the vampire falls to the side, softly snoring. That's it.. He knows everything now..

And it's his choice to choose if he'd tell Ha-eun or not. And right now, he's not planning on saying a word.

"A werewolf and a vampire... that's a dangerous game... a dangerous game indeed."

Blood Roses// JikookWhere stories live. Discover now