Chapter 1: the red dragon

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3 years later...

"Damn it, it's raining! I never would have expected this!" Said a young man

The young man then took shelter at a near by cave and stared at the rain from the inside

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The young man then took shelter at a near by cave and stared at the rain from the inside.

"Tried to warn you." Said an intangible woman with black hair

" Said an intangible woman with black hair

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"Yeah, you told me so. I get it raynare, cut me some slack."  He said annoyed.

"Should have listened to her when she said it was going to rain kid." Said a glowing green circle on his left hand

" Said a glowing green circle on his left hand

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"Shut Up Ddraig. I have enough on my plate with raynare telling me i messed up." He said

"Fine be that way." Ddraig said

The young man looks through the cave and sees ruins inside of it.

"Whoa... raynare how old are these?" He wondered

"I'd say around the Era of Asgard. Or of the gods, these are considerably old." Raynare answered

While looking around, he saw someone at the bottom of the ruins.

"Is that a person?" He wondered

"likely, let's head down there." Raynare suggested.

So the young man traversed the ruins to get to the person down bellow. Once he found his way, he checked on the person and noticed that she was in a dormant state. After checking her, something appeared behind him, they were giant bats. The young man quickly summoned out a crimson gauntlet on his left arm and fought off the monsters but while fighting them, some of the monsters got passed him and went after the person he was protecting, that was when the person grabbed a bat with a monstrous claw.

"What in the..." he wondered in shock

The person then rushed in front of him and struck down some of the bats, causing the rest to flee in fear

"What is she?" He wondered in awe

"A Therion." She answered

"You're a hellion?" He wondered scared

"Part hellion, part human but belong to neither." She answered

She steps closer to the young man and he gets defensive

"Get back hellion! I'm not afraid to use my boosted gear on you!" He warned.

"Boosted gear? Please, that thing is nothing compared to my claw." She said scoffed

The woman shows her claw and is ready to kill.

"I said get back!" He ordered

She grabs the young man with her claw

"I wonder what your flesh tastes like." She said

She starts to devour the young man but senses a familiar presences and puts him down.

"You okay?" Raynare wondered

"More or less." He answered

"The red dragon..." she said softly

"Huh?" He wondered

She grabs the young man by his shirt

"What are you kid?" She questioned aggressively

"One of my alter egos is the red emperor dragon why?" He answered aggressively

She is shocked to hear his answer and becomes more aggressive

"You damn dragon! Why didn't you save my nephew!? Tell me now! Come out and face me damn it!" She yelled

He punches the woman

"Cough! The hell do you have against Ddraig?" He wondered

"The red dragon is the reason... the reason.... the reason why i have this claw!" She answered aggressively

"I think she's talking about "great red" what she's telling us may lead us to him ." Ddraig said

"The great red? What?" He wondered

"Come out dragon! I demand you fight me!" She demanded

"Issei, i think we need to give her what she wants. Time to armour up." Raynare said

"You sure? I can only last 15 minutes. 20 if i'm lucky." Issei told Raynare

"Do it. We need to show her we're not great red." Raynare said

"Alright, welsh dragon, scale mail!" Issei yelled

Red armour covers issei's body.

"Let's go!" Issei said determinedly

"Finally, my revenge on you cursed dragon!" She yelled aggressively

To be continued...

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