Chapter 34: Irina's troubles

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After getting back on the road to explore the continent, they travelled towards the mountains, but while travelling their, things got a bit out of hand because of Shiro.

(Shiro crying!)

"I don't think i can take much more of this." Magilou said annoyed while covering her ears.

"Asia, everyone is getting a little annoyed at Shiro. I know she can't help it but still." Xenovia told asia

"Believe me, i'm trying." Asia said

"Probably not a good idea to have a baby with us, you probably would have been better at leefside." Zaveid said

"I have to agree. At least with that, we don't have to put up with the its crying every few hours." Magilou agreed with zaveid

"Hey, back off! What do you have against shiro!?" Irina questioned

"Nothing but, when it comes to the battles ahead it'll surely perish." Zaveid answered

"I have to agree. We can't guarantee it's safety or yours Asia." Xenovia admitted

"So what!? Are you saying i'm holding everyone back!?" Asia questioned

"Well... i wouldn't say you per say... if anyone is it's miss Shidou." Magilou answered

"Huh?" Irina wondered in confusion

"Irina is not weak!" Xenovia said defensively

"Au contraire, my dear maiden, Haven't you noticed that Irina hardly fights? Remember when that archelon appeared? She hardly did a thing." Magilou pointed out

"She's right, as much as i hate to admit it." Akeno admitted

"That's uncalled for you two. If you want an early grave, i'll gladly give it to you." Rias said in the threatening tone

"Sorry, just stating facts." Magilou apologized

"Yeah, besides, i'm sure she's doing her best." Zaveid said

After the disagreement, they decided to keep going. While doing so, they reached the mountains and started going up the mountain pass.

"Br.... its so cold..." asia said shivering

"I'm with the blonde on this round. BRRR!" Magilou agreed

"Cold or not, we're continuing." Rias said

"Rias, maybe we should head back. They don't have any warm clothing to keep them warm." Xenovia suggested

"I don't care. Besides, it shouldn't effect seraphs away." Rias said

"We're not therions like you are. You're practically cold resistant because of that." Kiba pointed out

"You're right. You're not me. I keep forgetting." Rias remembered

So they decided to head back to town because they didn't have the proper equipment. While heading back, what Zaveid and Magilou said was on Irina's mind.

"Am i really weak?" Irina wondered to herself

Once they arrived, they bought some warm clothing and decided to head back to the mountain pass. After getting halfway through, some monsters showed up. They managed to deal with them, but thinking that was all of them, one managed to sneak up on Irina and lunged towards her. Irina saw it coming towards her and had no time to react. Using her therion arm, Rias, grabbed the monster and ate it, saving irina from being killed.

"Are you alright?" Rias asked

"I'm fine, thanks." Irina thanked

"Don't thank me. Do better next time." Rias ordered coldly

Rias walks up a head

"That was... harsh." Xenovia admitted

"Yeah, but, i'm more concerned about Irina. What happened?" Kiba asked

"What magilou and Zaveid said is bothering me. I guess hearing what they said distracted me from sensing the monster." Irina answered depressed

"If that's it then, try and get stronger." Zaveid suggested

"Shut up. You and magilou are the reason, she's like this."xenovia said defensively

"But there is some truth into what we said. We hardly ever see her fight." Zaveid pointed out

"He's right, irina has hardly fought on this journey." Kiba admitted

"Not helping." Xenovia said defensively

"Well, Irina and i did train together. She used a pretty strong mystic arte on me." Akeno pointed out

"When was this?" Xenovia asked

"Weeks ago. Back when "he" was around." Akeno answered

"He?" Xenovia wondered

"She means Hyōdō, miss quarta." Vali clarified.

"Ah. Thanks." Xenovia thanked

"The arte was called... Expunging sword? It doesn't sound strong sure but, it was pretty impressive." Akeno said

"I remember. I felt a bit mediocre around everyone since they're so strong. Issei Especially. He wasn't strongest in our group but, he somehow surpassed us when he was with Rias. I was so used to being stronger than issei, i just lost my confidence in myself when Magilou and Zaveid pointed it out." Irina explained depressed

"Well, take it into consideration. Miss redhead needs all of you now that Hyōdō is gone. She may not show it, but she really does." Zaveid told Irina

"You're right about that." Xenovia agreed

"Well, one thing is for sure. Our strength comes from our teamwork." Kiba pointed out

"Same, even with issei gone, we're still a team regardless." Xenovia agreed

"Yeah, so as long as we keep working together, nothing can stop the three of us." Kiba said with zest

"Might want to make that four. I'm joining your team. I can't replace issei sure, but i'll do what i can in his stead." Akeno said

"Same here, that kid gave me a worthy final fight." Vali agreed with akeno

"Everyone... thank you." Irina thanked

To be continued....

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