Chapter 10: Elixir hunt,the mourning knight and confessing feelings

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After arriving at the ruins, Rias searched everywhere to try and find the Elixir to heal issei. Knowing that Issei was running out of time, she hastened her search.

"Where the hell is this thing!?" Rias questioned out of anger and frustration

Rias keeps searching no matter what Hellion or monster got in her way. While searching and fighting her way through the ruins, she made it to the deepest part of the ruins and that was when she saw a hexagon shaped bottle with a blue liquid inside it. Thinking it was the Elixir, Rias ran towards to try and grab it but that was when a skeletal knight dropped down from the celling. After falling it swung its sword, rias managed to dodge the blades attack while the spirit in the skeleton mourned.

"Damn it, out of my way! I owe someone! I'm not letting you or anyone else get in my way!" Rias yelled with anger

As her anger intensified her right arm turned into her claw. Once her claw was out, rias fought the knight with everything she had. As Rias attacked the skeleton, it kept blocking her attacks and mourning at the same time. 

"DISCORD!" Rias yelled with fury

Rias swings down her demonic hand to clear the area in front of her with three consecutive swings. When the knight blocked the attack, its shield was sent flying. After losing its shield, rias rushed up to it and used a new attack

"NO MERCY! YOU THOUGHT I'D STOP HERE!? ANNIHILATING CRASH!" Rias yelled fiercely while using her new attack

Rias charges at the skeleton, piercing her gauntlet blade through it, and then thrusts her open demonic hand at the target, blowing it away as a vortex of red and black swirls follow it. The skeleton gets back up after the attack as if nothing hurt it at all.

"Damn you!" Rias yelled in anger

"Seraphic bolt!" Someone yelled

Then a bolt of lightning dropped down and struck the skeleton dealing major damage to it.

"That attack..." rias said with uneasiness

"Rias!" Akeno called out

Rias looks at the way she came in and see Akeno running towards her.

"What are you doing here!? Get back to town!" Rias ordered

"I'm not your servant and i'll do what i want rias. Right now, you need help whether you chose to admit it or not." Akeno stated

"Fine, just don't get in my way." Rias said aggressively

So the two fought the Skeleton. Rias kept attacking at close range while akeno backed her up using magic. The fight continued for about 15 minutes, and after that time, it was finally defeated. After its defeat, rias and Akeno successfully retrieved the Elixir and started heading back to town. While heading back to town, akeno noticed a odd look in rias's eyes.

"You care about him, don't you?" Akeno wondered

"Huh?" Rias wondered in confusion

"That look in your eyes. You care about him. He's more than just a protector to you." Akeno explained

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Rias said  standoffish while blushing and turning away

"You have to tell him at some point." Akeno told rias

"Why?" Rias wondered

"I'm like a hawk, i'm swoop in and take him away from you if you don't make him yours." Akeno explained mischievously

"Like hell that will happen! Geez... why are you and Irina making this into such a big deal? Is love really that important?" Rias stated and wondered while feeling embarrassed.

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