My Fake Boyfriend, Phillip

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The years go by. You and Phillip hang out all the time. You're both becoming older, more mature and immature at times. One day, Phillip goes to boarding school in Maryland and you go to boarding school in New York. You realize how much you miss him, and how you want to see him. When boarding is over and you're both out for the summer you have a little run- in.....
"Uncle I'm out for the market!" I close the door. I'm thinking about how Phillip and I used to always celebrate our birthdays together, because they were so close in date . Now we're both 17. As I'm looking through the market, I see a tall, muscular boy talking to a girl. They're in the way of the cart so you push through. " Excuse m-" I look up and freeze. Phillip. He's gotten handsome- real handsome. He still has his sparkling green eyes, freckles, and curly hair. We both stare at each other. I feel my cheeks start to burn, and Phillip looks a bit pink. "Phillip! Hellooo! Snap outta it!" The girl screeched. " Listen, Sarah, I'm not interested in dating you. Bye." Phillip looks back at me as she storms off. We still haven't said anything. "Hi, Phillip." I say shyly. " Hey, Y/N." I come in for a hug. " I can't believe we're both back for the summer!" I say. Who was that girl? Why was Phillip taking with her? "Lets go get coffee. My treat. We have catching up to do." Phillip said as he took my hand and led me to a quaint coffee shop. I liked the way his hand felt against mine. It was soft and warm.
An Hour Time Skip!
We laughed and talked for a while. I randomly brought the question up. "So... uh who was that girl? In the market that you were talking with." "Why?" He grinned. "Jealous??" He has a sly smile across his freckled face. " Well, someone got pretty full of them selves in boarding school!" I joked. "And someone got really hot." He said. His face turned super bright red. So did mine. " I- uh- well." He stammered. "Do you have a boyfriend?" He blurted. "Why?" I mimicked him. " Jealous?" "Well, someone got pretty full of them selves in boarding school!" He said, just like me. " And someone got really hot." I said. We both gazed into each other's eyes. "Y/N," Phillip started. "I-" "PHILLIP! And Y/N." George Eacker appeared at our table. Gosh DARN you, George! Why did you have to ruin me and Phillips moment? "Oh... you two know each other?" Phillip tried to look innocent when he said that. I immediately feel embarrassed. "Well-" I started. George cut me off. " Yo, Phillip, she's my girl." Phillip was fuming. " I am NOT you lying dirtbag!" He put his arm around me. "George.." I said weakly. Phillip looked extremely mad. " Little lady, why don't you come back to my place." George said slyly. "No!" I yelled. " I'm dating Phillip." I lied. My face went red, once again. I glanced over at Phillip. Once I said that, he cooled down. His face looked pink. "Yeah, t-that's right. Obviously." "Uh, you're obviously not. Prove it." George looked smug. "How?" I said. "Phillip, Y/N, stand up." George said. We both stood up. " Now get super close." We scootched towards each other. "Closer!" George pushed me so
Phillip and my nose were touching. Omg omg omg omg omg omg omg! Is this really about to happen! Before George could do anything else, Phillip leaned forward and kissed me. Fireworks exploded inside me! "Whatever." George mumbled and walked away. Suddenly a hand pulled me and Phillip apart. I had this huge grin plastered on my face, and Phillip looked smug. All that changed when we both saw who pulled us apart.
Alexander?! Oh no. This can't be good.

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