Operation: Find Phillip

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my heart started to beat.
and not a cute, lovey dovey heartbeat, but an angry one.
the orchestra started to play.
Will looked at me.
we started the handshake. i never realized how long it was until we started doing it!
all eyes were on us.
suddenly, the whole room started...cheering!!
"dang, what is this... new dance style?"
" they're goals!"
"holy cow, i wanna learn!"
people were yelling things left and right! when we were finished, the whole room looked at us and bursted into an applause. me and will bowed and smiled at each other.
then everything went back to normal. just like that. people went back to drinking punch and dancing. when i looked at the spot that annabelle and phillip were in, i saw that they... disappeared.
victoria ran over. "that was A-MAY-ZING!" she cheered. suddenly a boy followed behind her. victoria blushed and introduced him. "Y/N, will, this is daniel." me and will shook his hand. "whatever dance you guys just did, that was awesome." he laughed. "okay, well, it was nice talking but we're gonna go dance now! gottagobyeseeyoulaterdonotmessthisupforme!!!" victoria rushed out of there holding daniels hand.
i started looking around for phillip. gosh, where did they go?
"go." will said.
"huh?" i looked up at will.
"you go find phillip!"
"but... you'll be all alone.."
"don't worry about me Y/N! i'm fine." he nudged me.
"you're the best! i'll see you later!" i waved and set off on my operation.
operation: find phillip and get him away from that crazy physco annabelle so she doesn't ruin the rest of me and phillips life!
i looked by the snack table while eating my stress away. i scouted the dance floor and did some wicked awesome dance moves.
but then... i walked to the outside balcony.
and saw annabelle talking to phillip who looked very annoyed.
"hey guys!" i waved. phillip lit up at the same time annabelle darkened.
"Y/N? what are you doing here? why don't you go back inside and slow dance with your little boyfriend, will?" annabelle sneered.
"listen, annabelle! me and will are just friends. it's literally called a handshake! get over yourself! i wasn't aware it was illegal to be friends with a boy." i said calmly right in her face.
"yeah... annabelle... you should probably leave." phillip said.
"what? phillip, are you insane?" she screeched.
" not as much as you're being right now."  phillip mumbled.
i busted out laughing as annabelle stormed out of there yelling, "Y/N, this is NOT OVER!!"
"hey." phillip said looking into my eyes.
"hey." i said looking right back.
"Y/N, i can't believe that...i was so crazy. like, i swear that nothing ever happened between us! like, she's really crazy and i-"
i cutted him off by kissing him.
dang. i missed doing that.
"i know. and i was just so angry because.... because i...phillip, i-"
"who the heck are you, man?!" jackson jumped out of nowhere.
"uhhh.... can i help you?" phillip asked.
"yeah. can you explain why you're kissing Y/N?" jackson said while pushing phillip.
"guys...don't." i said, warning them.
"dude. she told me about how crazy you are." phillip said shoving him back. "y'all aren't even dating."
"we were. but i still have feelings for her!"
then, out of nowhere, jackson punched phillip.
i gasped. "phillip!"
phillip paused. then he slammed his fist into jacksons face. 
"GUYS! stop!!!!" i screamed.
"phillip, walk me home, would you?" i said to him.
"yes, i will," phillip stood up. "but you better leave town and never bother Y/N again."
we ran right out of there.
"phillip," i touched his face. "your lip is bleeding."
"you're worth it." he smiled and his eyes lit up.
i could get lost in his eyes forever.
when we got to victoria's house, (i got the spare key!!) i got a damp cloth and pressed it against phillips lip.
"you're so cute when you're focused." phillip said slyly.
"aw. phillip, i really missed not seeing you for a while." i said.
"me too." he sighed. "and...a lot of weird stuff happened, but it's in the past."
"yeah." i agreed.
suddenly we were looking at each other.
his lips crashed into mine and we were there for what felt like forever.
"i should probably go now. i bet my mom is wondering where i am." he grinned like a little kid.
"or better yet, she's probably wondering what i'm doing."
we both laughed. "yeah. will and victoria will probably be here soon."
he kissed me again and then went out the door.
as i was waiting on the porch for will and victoria, i saw a big carriage heading towards.....my house?
wait, who's in there?
i squinted my eyes for a closer look.
WAIT! is that.... Uncle Lafayette? and Uncle James??

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