A Forbidden Romance

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As we're walked to my house, I can't  help but notice Phillip keep glancing at me. Alright. I'm glancing at him too a couple of times. We stop when I say we're at my house. I'm so nervous!  Uncle can be pretty unpredictable sometimes. Hamilton fiercely knocks on the door and me and Phillip exchange nervous glances. Uncle  opens the door, suprised then angry. "Alexander! Get off my property! And Phillip! When did you get here? Why are y'all here more importantly!?" He threw questions at us left and right. "I'm TRYING to EXPLAIN!" Hamilton yelled. "I was in the market, just walking around town." Hamilton said. "I saw something odd in the coffee shop. I saw Y/N's *insert hair color* and Phillips curly hair. I stepped in for a closer look, and I saw they were kissing." Uncle was fuming. " No, that can't be true." He said. "Oh, but it is." Alexander quipped. "Y/N, in your room now!" "Uncle, you can't punish me for something like this!" I yelled. I ran away before anyone could see me cry. I ran to a garden nearby, sitting on the bench and crying. I can't believe uncle would do this! Wait. I like Phillip. I like- Phillip? Oh my gosh. I can't believe I'm actually thinking this! I've always thought of him as a friend- but maybe there's something more. He probably feels the same way I do, but what if he doesn't? He does have a reputation as a 'ladies' man, something I guess I never realized until now.
What I need right now is some fresh air. Someone to really talk to.
I need to talk to Peggy.
Peggy is Phillips aunt. The Hamilton's always invited us over for the holidays and Peggy was always there. She's a cool, cool aunt. In many ways, I feel like she's mine. I know she can keep a secret, so I need to talk to her about what's going on.
She only lives a couple of blocks away, so it didn't take long for me to walk there. When she opened the door, I couldn't help but start to cry.
"Y/N! Dear, come in! What's wrong, honey?"  "S-so I have a confession."  I told her the whole story and she comforted me. "Y/N, it's not good to keep this all bottled up! Peggy sighed. "Poor dear. It's rough loving someone and adults get in the way. Here's what we'll do. I'm going to inform Eliza about the matter sometime this week. She'll try and calm down Alexander, and hopefully Alexander can talk to Thomas. Does that sound good?"  She asked. "Yes! Peggy, thank you so much. It made me feel good to get that all out. I'll visit you soon." I walked out the door.  "Bye, Y/N!" She called.  I started walking down the street and OF COURSE with my luck I saw Phillip.
Just great.
I walked up to him and hugged him. "I'm sorry." I whispered as I walked away.

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