just one dance

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i look at myself in the mirror.
i can't remember the last time i felt this confident.
this fierce.
this... beautiful.
i am SO ready for tonight!
me and victoria helped each other with each other's makeup and hair.
victoria also looked amazing. she has her fiery red hair curled back and has a gorgeous black and white lacy dress on. my hair is pulled half up half down, and my makeup makes my eyes "sparkle". victoria might have been exaggerating when she said that, but who cares! if my eyes sparkle then let them sparkle gosh darn it!
Victoria did a little twirl then dramatically fell on the bed and yawned. "i can't believe that a little hair and makeup," she yawned again. " took basically all day."
"well... we did make cupcakes again, pranked Will again, and then we also-" I stopped and smirked. "you want me to keep going on?"
"okay, i get it!!" she laughed.
suddenly there was a knock on the door. "Will! we're sorry about the frog! it's in the past now!" I said.
" Vic, it's about.." Victoria hopped up of her bed then opened the door than shut it so she could talk to Will.
Hey, missy! what's so important that you have to shut the door and talk to your brother alone??!
i quietly walked over to the door and put my ear against it.  their conversation was muffled, but i could still make out what they were saying clearly.
" i don't know when i should tell her, Will!"
" you need to soon. this is some pretty big news!"
" she's been so stressed lately... do you think she'll take this well?"
"of course she will. i know her."
"whatever. we're leaving in five minutes."
that's my cue to leave the door, i guess. i hopped on the bed and tried to act causal.
" Yo! we're leaving soon." victoria smiled.
"alright! i can't wait!" i smiled back.
whatever they were talking about must wait for me to find out later.
We ended up walking to the ball because it was so near by.  halfway there, victoria asked me a question i had feared: "are you going to talk to phillip tonight?"
i blushed and looked away.  "i told you. no boys tonight!"
she rolled her eyes. "you can't be serious. you have to dance with at least one boy tonight! or we won't leave." she did an evil grin.
Suddenly Will caught up with us.  "Ya know... i'm always available." he said laughing, obviously joking. "in your dreams!" i shoved him.
"hey, look!" victoria pointed to a large building. "we're here!"
we walked inside, hearing an orchestra play a song with lots of people talking and shoes squeaking against the floor. 
"oo! look at that cutie!" she pointed to a boy beside the punch bowl. "you don't mind if i leave you for a few-"
"go ahead. have fun! see you later." i smiled.
she took off and left me and will alone.
suddenly, the room got very quiet.
all eyes were on me and will.
" Is that.... Y/N Jefferson? with Will Bennett?? He FINALLY got a girl..."someone said.
i had never seen Will embarrassed before, but his face turned bright red as he turned to see my reaction.
i felt really bad for him, so i turned and faced the crowd. "yes, as a matter of fact, it is us!" i said confidently.
we started to walk down to the center of the ball room where the orchestra was still playing.
A couple of nights ago, me and victoria taught Will this super long handshake because he kept bothering us and we thought that it would be fun. i leaned over to Will and whispered him my plan. " it sounds awkward, but we have no choice." i told him.
he looked at me and smiled.
"Let's do it."
right as i went to look at the orchestra, i saw Phillip.
i was about to smile and wave, but i saw Annabelle. Wrapping her arm around his waist.

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