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In the morning I said my goodbyes to Victoria and Will. They both walked me out and Victoria gave me a sad smile. "Hey. It'll be ok. We're ok. We'll figure it out." Will had tears in his eyes. We all had a big group hug and I waved then walked on the way home.

I opened the door. "I'm home...!" I yelled. I tried to run up the stairs so I could just go to my room and cry but Laf was too quick.

"Mademoiselle Y/N!" I slowly turned around and forced a smile. Hopefully we wouldn't be talking for too long. "Uncle Laf! Hey!" "I would love to chat but ze boys and I must be out to the courtroom." "The courtroom....?" I questioned. Then James and Uncle Thomas walked in. "Y'all ready to go?" Uncle Thomas said as he rolled his eyes. He saw me and gave me a quick hug and kiss on the cheek. "So glad you're home sweetheart. Now we have to go. I'm so sorry." They saw the look on my face and James clarified, "We have a meeting with Aaron Burr. And Hamilton." They nodded. "Oh... well see you soon then I guess." They walked out the door.

What was that all about? A courtroom? And all of them together..? This can't be good. Whatever. I have more things to worry about...

I opened the door to my room and collapsed on my bed. As much as I loved staying with Victoria and Will, laying on my own bed felt good. I noticed a stack of letters on my night stand and picked them up. A note was attached to it. "Letters in the mail for Y/N. -Sally." Oh, so they're just the letters that I received when I was gone. Ok.

Boarding school, New York Newspaper, dress sales, did I even get anything good? The next letter had beautiful cursive on the front. "Eliza Hamilton" it read. I opened it to read:

Dearest Y/N,
Angelica and I are throwing Peggy a surprise party, because her birthday is soon. We're just inviting family and friends and thought you'd love to come. I don't know if Phillip will be here or not. If I said you were going, he most likely will stay. The party is in 5 days at 8:00 pm at our house.
I hope you can make it. Take care. -Eliza

A party? God, I don't know if I honestly want to go. Call me dramatic, but this is literally hell. My best friends brother just came out, now this bitch who wants to steal my mans is threatening to out him to the whole goddamn city just so she can have him.

Maybe I should go. It's Peggy's birthday...and she always has been there for me. Besides, now that Phillip and I can't be together do to satan in killer clothes, he probably won't be there. At least I have 5 days to prepare for the party.

I scanned over the letter again and just about passed out when I read the date of the letter. "THIS WAS SENT 4 DAYS AGO???" I screeched.

Perfect. Now I have what, like a day to prepare? I groaned and pulled out the last letter in the stack.

For Y/N <3

I ripped open the letter and rolled my eyes. If this is George pulling some crap again...

My dearest, Y/N -
Will told me you were staying at his place. So I don't know when you'll see this or what happens to it but just know that Annabelle means nothing to me. It's not her I think about at night. It's you. You're the one who I couldn't get out of my mind at boarding school. And when I saw you again... I felt at home again. Like I was with my person again. And I know Annabelle kissed me and I know you probably hate me and we can't be anything. But deep inside I feel like we're meant to matter what happens.
I love you.
- Phillip

I collapsed onto the floor clutching the letter and started to sob. What I would give to receive this letter a week ago. "Unfortunately we're probably not meant to be...." I said as I closed my eyes. I looked at the stack of paper and pens on my desk and debated writing back. But I know it's not going to change anything.

So now, all I can do is just feel numb.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2020 ⏰

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