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Peter woke up to a pounding on his bedroom door. "What is it May?" Peter shouted, feeling annoyed that he couldn't sleep in.

"The news! I thought you'll like to know!" May yelled through the door.
"Know what?"

"Team Captain America is back! Well, the rest of the Avengers are back!"

This cause the teenager to jump out of bed but trip over his dirty clothes that laid on the floor. "What?" He breathed out, opening the door.

"Come on! I paused it!" May told her nephew beckoning him to the living room.

"The dubbed, 'Rouge Avengers' have officially been pardoned and are being allowed back into the States." The news cast lady said. A picture of Captain America in the corner of the screen.

Peter felt anger bubble inside of him. How could Tony not tell him? Peter thought walking back to his room.

"Where are you going?" May asked.
"I'm going over to Ned's, he'll be so excited!" The brown haired teen faked a smile.

"Okay, make sure your back home for dinner! You boys have no sense of time, I swear." May laughed to herself.

Peter nodded his head and closed his bedroom door. He took the Spiderman suit from out underneath of his bed and pulled the costume on. Readily himself for the trip over to the compound.

The blood in the teen's veins ran hot. Anger filling his body.

Peter let the cool air of New York calm him down. As he swung from building to building. Carefully watching out for anyone who needed his help. The teen wasn't sure if he should be thankful that no one was in danger at the moment.

Spiderman landed on the balcony of the compound and knocked on the window. Which brought the attention of the Falcon. Sam Wilson.

Peter let out a deep breath. Sam opened the window with a smile on his face. "Hey man! We're on a truce right?" Sam cautiously questioned as Peter climbed into the building without a sound.

"Sure. Do you know where Tony is at?" Peter looked around but didn't see him. Everyone besides Vision, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, and Ant-man were present.

"Um, not sure." Sam awkwardly laughed.
"Why do you need to know?" Black widow asked, stepping towards the teen with her arms crossed.

The teen rolled his eyes and walked past the bleach blond woman. "Karen?" Peter called out to his Al.

"Mr.Stark is in a conference room with Steve Rogers." Karen replied. What the hell? Peter thought as his heart raced in his chest.

Peter went and opened the nearest door. Inside was Tony sitting in a chair rubbing his temples and a Captain America looking upset. Both men looked up, surprised to see a visitor.

"Pe-Spiderman! What are you doing here?" Tony asked, sitting up straight in his seat.
"Came to talk about something. Am I interrupting?" The teen trailed off.

"No, no, Steve was just leaving." The man gestured for the blond to step out of the room.

"Fine, but this conversation isn't over." Steve grumbled getting up. "Nice to see you Spiderman."

Once the door was closed Peter took off his mask and shot Tony a hurt look. "You never told me they were coming."

"Yeah, it was just a lot of paperwork." Tony got up and kissed the teenagers hairline. "It's been a crazy few days."
Peter wrapped his arms around the man, "Is there anything I could do to help?"

The older man shook his head and ran a hand down Peter's back. "No, it would be better if you left for awhile though."
Peter pulled away, "What?"

"The others can't know, and Ross is coming in and out of here. I  don't want to see you get hurt." Tony explained with a sigh.
"I can take care of myself." The teen snapped.

"I know. It's just that Ross can be cruel, and I don't want you around that." The older man told Peter.
"Fine, but feel free to call me sometime." Peter snarled at the man, leaving the room with his mask on.

"Pet-Spiderman!" Tony called out after him.

Billie Eilish Marian Hill Remix

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