Part 4

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The last few weeks had been loads of paperwork and stress prepping for the big conference. You had been working like crazy and today was a particularly rushed day considering you would be leaving for the conference on Sunday and it was Friday. That night you worked past normal hours and into the evening. It was getting late but you were almost done and you were determined. "Hey (y/n)" James said quietly. You looked up ready to listen. "It's getting late and we can always finish this on the plane, let me walk you home. It's dark out and you shouldn't be walking alone at night." He said in a gentle tone. "Oh but I only have 3 more files to go through." You said determined. "It's okay!" He said calmingly. "We can finish those later, come on." He continued and held out his hand. You smiled and took a deep breath and took his hand. He gave you his jacket on the way home and grabbed your hand when the wind picked up as if you were going to blow away. When you got to your house you waited outside with him while he called his chauffeur. As it turned out, one of the tires popped so he would be waiting a while. "You can come in, if you'd like. I have coffee, tea and even hot coco. So you don't have to wait outside." You offered. He nodded and said thank you and followed you inside. He was looking at all the photos on your shelves and on your walls and he stubbled upon a picture from your sister's Vegas themed birthday party last year. And you were dressed as a showgirl feathers and all. He smiled and chucked to himself. "So coffee or.." You started but then you saw him holding the picture and bit your lip with embarrassment. "I'm so sorry, that's just from my sister's birthday last year. We dress up every year!" You explained humiliated that your boss has seen you in sparkly lingerie. "Oh, don't be sorry. It looks like it was fun." He said and followed you into the kitchen with a grin on his face. You sat on the couch and talked for a while until his ride arrived. "Well I'll see you Sunday (y/n)!" He said and waved. "Ok see you Sunday Mr.Barnes!" You answered. But then he turned back around and walked back up to you.
"Please, please call me James. (Y/n) I've taken you to lunch and I've been to your house, I don't think you need to address me like I'm a teacher or some snobbish authority figure." He said sternly but kindly. "Ok see you Sunday James." You responded and he smiled appreciatively.

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