Part 12

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(slight trigger warning)
He looked over towards you and had a sweet smile on his face. "Come here" he whispered. "I wanna talk to you." He said quietly and pulled you close. You cuddled in his neck and your breathing synced. "I feel really safe and comfortable with you (y/n). And I want to share something with you that not many people know. But I feel like I can share it with you, because you make me feel at home. I haven't had many girlfriends and I've never had a serious relationship. I've only had one girlfriend that I actually had sex with and she left me for some guy he met at a bar. And it's been difficult sharing these experiences with anyone because of my life when I was younger." He started to explain and looked at you too see your reaction. You looked up at him sympathetically and kissed his cheek before asking "what do you mean?". "Well, when I was growing up I had a difficult time fitting in because of my family situation. My mom used to beat my sister and I when we were younger and my dad was a raging alcoholic. That's why I don't drink, I've been too afraid that I might become one too. He continued and buried his face in your hair. You turned your body so you were fully facing him and you wrapped your arms around him and held his head in between your neck and shoulder and you softly spoke nurturing words in his ear and kissed him repetitively while he soundlessly cried. Tears welled up in your eyes and you said "thank you for sharing that with me James. I know that must've been hard for you. I feel safe with you too and I'm glad you feel safe with me.". The two of you stayed like that all night and the next day you walked into work holding hands. Everybody's jaws were dropped and the whole building was talking about it all day. But you and James were proud of your relationship.

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