Part 15

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Your relationship with James had been progressing and he has asked you to come meet his friends. You were gonna go out to dinner and the bar with him and his friends and you were nervous. But he was excited to get to bring you. When you got there, you and James walked in holding hands and he led you to the back of the restaurant where he and his friends usually sit. "Hey, guys look it's Bucky the man! And he brought a girl!" Said one of the guys at the table. "Hey guys, this is (y/n), my girlfriend!" He said proudly. "Woah, you finally talked to a girl buck! Nice to meet you (y/n)!" One of his friends teased. You got a whole bunch of "hey"s and "hey (y/n)"s and you were introduced to them all. You sat down and stayed close to James, you were giggling at all the stories they were telling about James or Bucky as they called him. You made a point to quietly ask him if he liked being called Bucky and he said that he liked when his friends called him Bucky, but he loved that you called him James, he thought it was more intimate. You spent the night watching how James interacted with his friends. They were like a normal group of friends, but they were close. You could tell that they had been a group for a while, but you felt welcomed anyway. They would try to embarrass James with stories of when he was a little younger. They filled you in on some inside jokes when you were confused and even taught you a handshake that screamed "frat house". You loved how James looked like a happy child when he was with his friends. When it got late some of his friends started to leave one by one and by the end of the night it was just you, James and two other guys that clearly were single and had no place to be. You all bided your goodbyes and James wrapped his shoulder around you tightly and kissed the top of your head repetitively the whole way home. You went back to his place, which was practically yours also at this point and you took a shower together and then decided to watch a movie. You were wearing one of his shirts which was huge on you and you cuddled up in his lap.
trashforstuckyThe two of you were talking about the schedule for Monday at work and he brought up the new guy that would start Monday. He was transferring from another branch so he would be working in the upper floors right away. You didn't think too much of it so you just said ok and gave him a kiss before going back to the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2018 ⏰

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